Dear Srijim, 
  They called me an asshole for a good while, they were right actualy, I was 
also clueless.  I shut up and learned something.  We don't know yet if it 
worked, however. 
  -- Ben

TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          --- In, srijim1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> You actually sound like a pretty good guy, so I won't 
> take serious offense at you repeatedly calling me an 
> asshole...

You are incorrect on both counts. I am NOT
a good guy, and I call you an asshole because
you're acting like one. Your assessment of me
is as off as your initial assessment of who
Rick Archer is and what his intention was in
reposting an announcement.

You're clueless. Either shut up and learn 
something, or go away.


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