--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "bwaytheatrediva"
> Hi everyone. I'm 23 years old and I've lived in FF my whole life. I 
> have a huge amount of bitterness/hatred toward the TMO. It was shoved 
> down my throat from literally the moment I was born. MSAE was a kind 
> of hell that I wouldn't wish on anyone. A lot of the people I love 
> most are in the TMO. I always say I hate the cult, but I dearly love 
> some of the people in it. Anyway, that's my intro. I look forward to 
> talking with you.

I was driving another participant of IA, a foreigner, the other day to
the WalMart Superstore in Mt. Pleasant, IA.  He asked how it's
possible to pay USD 14,000 a year for tuition when the teachers are on
stipends and many guests lecture or teach for free.  I explained that
it was easy as punch.  First off, you have to pay an outrageous amount
for course materials.  Next, just how many people actually pay the USD
14,000?  Yes, the students win awards. But that isn't all so hard. 
Take some kids whose parents have a belief in education (as mine did).
Have small classes, interested teachers and kids will excel.  And the
sex, drugs and other things that occur in spare time pales in
comparison to what the kids would be exposed to at more expensive
legitimate prep school.  Can you say pubescent Animal House? 
Foreigners.  They just don't get it.  Of course they call it an "Ideal
School".  "Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp. Or what's a
heaven for?"  -- Robert Browning

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