Individual commentary:

--- In, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Notes on Bevan's talk from Vlodrop: 
> It was dawn in Vlodrop and Bevan had not slept for 2 days, 
> yet he spoke for an hour. He spoke as a brother sharing his 
> heart with those he loves. The first thing he said was that 
> when Maharaja Nader Ram refers to Maharishi as the most 
> illustrious in the Vedic Tradition of Masters, it is not 
> an exaggeration, it is the truth.  

This means, of course, that Bevan and Nader Ram 
are now saying that Maharishi is more illustrious
than Guru Dev.

> There has never been a Saint of Maharishi's caliber in any 
> time, in any place.  

Again, this includes Guru Dev, and Shankara, and
*every single one* of the teachers referenced in
the Holy Tradition. Maharishi beats 'em all.

> Also when Nadar Ram said that all of the dwellers in Heaven 
> were welcoming Maharishi with open arms that it was not just 
> some phrase to uplift our hearts.  It is the reality. 

And it's "reality" because Bevan says so. The fact
that King Tony said it is still open to dispute,
but now The Bevan has said it, so it's "the reality."

Scary fuckin' stuff, man.

> Bevan said that this kind of thing is "beyond our ken," 

But obviously not beyond his. That must be what 
enables him to make pronouncements about "the

> ...but for some reason Maharishi was
> not absorbed into the Absolute.  He went to Heaven to live 
> in the most glorious manner that the Creator and all the 
> Gods could bestow.  Even they are amazed at all that he 
> accomplished.  

Maharishi even suprised the GODS. Therefore he
must be higher than they are, too.

> He changed Kali Yuga (the era of darkness) into Sat Yuga 
> (the era of enlightenment) for eternity. Bevan told
> us the story of being at the 12 year Khumba mehla in 1989 
> when Maharishi sent the pundit boys to pay homage to the 
> eldest Saint in India. The Saint had a platform located 
> some distance away from the crowds where he would not
> be disturbed and from where he could see everything.  
> When he saw 1,000 pundit boys coming toward him across 
> the sandy beach, dressed in their saffron robes with the 
> little hats that Maharishi had bought them, marching
> in files in unison, chanting the Vedas as Maharishi had 
> taught them - the Saint puffed up with joy and pride and 
> folded his arms across his chest and exclaimed, "Maharishi 
> has returned the Vedic Tradition to India, Maharishi
> single handedly has revived the Vedic Culture. 

Single-handedly. Again, doesn't this kinda imply
that he didn't need Guru Dev's help, or the help
of any of the tradition of masters he's now 
better than?

Don't these people realize what they are SAYING?

To quote John Cleese in A Fish Called Wanda, 
"Are you DERANGED?"

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