If the TM mantras are the names of gods, then repeating the mantra is
a form of bhakti, and as one gets more subtle, then the worshipping
song is ever more powerful.

What else is transcending if not gaining ever greater clarity about
the song of songs -- OM?  OM is the hymn of the universe that's
constantly sung -- a worshipping prayer from the Relative to the Absolute.

I wish that Maharishi had published his commentary on chapters 7 - 18.
 The verses are "so clearly about worship" that he would have been
forced to admit that TM is worship, but there would go the mask of
science the TMO marketed TM with, and that's my theory of why it was
never published.

Since there is only one SELF, all prayers go to the only Sentience 
capable of listening to them.  I love the safety factor in this!


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, netineti3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have been lurking since the passing, from time to time as such
> I used to live in FF for many years and involved with the TMO since
> 1971. I had a great intitation experience and became a
> teacher/governor 1974-1976. Sidhi course. (no siddhis)
> Travelled in various capacities..World peace project, Phillipines,
> Rhode Island, Wash. D.C.. I know of some posting here.
> I mentioned before that I have become a NTB.
> We were told that TM was the fastest way to liberation.
> Where did this declaration come from?
> Who believes that the man who started this movement was actually a
> Maharishi?
> What did he do that would make him such?
> Much is written here that really amazes me and truly indicates the
> effects of the TM movement which we were told is from the Sankara
> Tradition. 
> Where did Sankara suggest anything that we were told by this
> apparently realized being? Not a satguru. 
> He himself said I am not a personal guru. 
> How could he be a satguru then? Guru Tattva is not this model.
> From my view, nothing we were told has any basis of scriptural
> foundation. Little is mentioned in this forum of those shastras.
> Most of the opinions given are just musings of the egoistic mind and
> have no basis in what is Truth.
> Do people seek siddhis for power? 
> If so, this is a quality of Asuras, demons.
> They don't bring enlightenment according to Patanjali.
> Ravana was well versed and in total command of Veda. He was a great
> devotee of Shiva and gained boons from Him.
> Yet Ravana was a demon. Wanting only more and more. Especially of what
> he could not have. It was his downfall.
> Maharishi Kapila who was Vishnu incarnate, and the one who gave us
> Sankhya Knowledge, when asked by His mother Devahuti about gaining
> liberation from this samsara, said:
> "No other way by which yogis may attain the Brahma is more easy and
> auspicious that the way of devotion to the Exalted Lord, the Soul in
> all that is."
> "Only by that steadfastness of mind which is gained by concentrating
> it on Me through intense and sustained dvotion can men in this world
> achieve Moksha."Srimad Bhagavatam Chapter 25.
> In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says the same thing...Only through devotion
> can one gain liberation.
> Adi Sankara, whose name is invoked as the TMO tradition of Holy
> Masters, says "Bhaja Govindam" Singing the names of the Lord
> (namasankirtana) is the fastest way and the easiest road. Devotion to
> Lord as Guru in "Guru Ashtakam" Many other works of His indicate
> In verse 12 of "Sri Guru Gita", Lord Shiva continues to tell Parvati
> Devi about false gurus...
> "If one doesn't know the qualilty of Guru, all the ritualistic
> practices, prayers, penances are useless"
>  In the absence of knowledge of the quaility of Guru all other
> knowledges lead but to ignorance, so they are called the agents of
> illusion. Shiva says that those who are fond of them are petty minded.
> When was any of this taught in the TMO?
> Kali yuga isn't the best climate for gaining liberation through
> meditation. Too much noise.
> Krita yuga...Meditation
> Treta yuga...Yagnas
> Dvapara yuga..Bhakti
> Kali yuga...Namsankirtana
> In the little I have read in this group, little is spoken of prayer.
> Little is heard of praising the Lord..Whatever name you wish to give.
> Much is said about what all of this is.
> Isn't most knowledge posted here referencing what was learned
through TMO?
> The effects of TMO manifest as much confusion, little Truth.
> One thing those who spew the negative towards other can count on...
> Your Karmic debt is one of bad tastes.
> Moving to Fairfield was the best of my life to that time.
> Leaving Fairfield was so freeing of the illusions we had been fed.
> I am Grateful to have cleared the bowels of that waste.
> I pray that those sincere seekers find their way.
> There is a Light.
> Harih Om Tat Sat

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