--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > "No other way by which yogis may attain the Brahma is more easy and
> > auspicious that the way of devotion to the Exalted Lord, the Soul in
> > all that is."
> > "Only by that steadfastness of mind which is gained by concentrating
> > it on Me through intense and sustained dvotion can men in this world
> > achieve Moksha."Srimad Bhagavatam Chapter 25.
> > 
> > In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says the same thing...Only through 
> > devotion can one gain liberation.
> > 
> > Adi Sankara, whose name is invoked as the TMO tradition of Holy
> > Masters, says "Bhaja Govindam" Singing the names of the Lord
> > (namasankirtana) is the fastest way and the easiest road. Devotion 
> > to Lord as Guru in "Guru Ashtakam" Many other works of His indicate
> > devotion.
> > When was any of this taught in the TMO?
> I began TM in 1968. Became an initator in Estes Park 1971. If it's any
> consolation, I agree with almost all of your post - most particularly
> the above.

Well, gee, lessee: "practice the religion you learned at your mother's knee" 
comes to mind.

As for specific acts by yourself while a TM teacher, didn't you, at that time, 
believe that 
your teaching people to meditate was one of the very best things you could be 
doing, not 
just for your own spiritual evolution and physical health, but theirs as well?

ANd, lets not forget the people who donate millions of dollars to the TMO for 
Yogic FLying 
scholarships, the building of campus buildings at MUM, the maintenance of Yogic 
pundits in other places around theworld, etc.

All of those people likely believe that they are doing some thing wonderful for 
the word: a 
great service to Mankind. And, by extension, by helping bring about Heaven on 
Earth, they 
are actually pouring their money into the establishment of divinity in the 
hearts and minds 
of every human being throughout the world, all of which certainly sounds like a 
act towards God to me.

What is funny is that you probably believed something like the above while you 
involved in the TMO and yet, since you no longer think the above is a 
worthwhile activity, 
you condemn the beliefs and actions AND MOTIVATIONS  of others who still 
believe that 
they are doing service to God and Man.


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