--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My point, though, is not a clarion call to follow, or not follow, any
>  shastras, sciptures or ethics. My only point is that there is a state
> of "sadhu"-- goodness -- a deep zone -- that is far more refined and
> liberating than some (partially realized perhaps) mahavakya.
> How one cultures that sadhu state -- it may or may not be through
> shastra. I have no opinion on that of consequence.

My point is that Paramatma [God with form and influence] is *central*
to the whole thing and not in any way secondary or incidental.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rflex@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > "By the word "saadhu" don't understand it to be the ones who have
> > > red-brown tilaka marking or maalaa of beads around the neck. The
> > > meaning of the word "saadhu" is 'good', the person who has a good
> > > disposition that man exists as a saadhu, 
> > >  
> > > 
> > > This, for me, is a great quote. It captures what I was trying to say
> > > some months ago about "human virtues" are the fruit and a milestone
> > > of any realization worth the name. (Marek, you may remember).Some
> > > people are "good". To their core. That, to me, is a far more
> > > state of freedom and refinement than "merely" having no
owenership of
> > > action, and seeing (a type of) Oneness in everything. 
> > > 
> > > A good person personifies all the virtues that shastras and good
> > >  attempt to distill and pass out as talking points and to do lists.
> > > The good person is beyond that. They define new and ever expanding
> > > levels of goodness in every act. They are a delight to be around.
> > > Always uplifting.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > My experience has been that when the concepts Guru Dev expressed below
> > have been expressed openly in any effective way by anyone of any
> > significant influence within the TMO, that there has been a concerted
> > effort to attack and eradicate those concepts and censor them. 
> > 
> > The idea that you can do whatever the hell you want and attain God and
> > enlightenment prevails. The only thing really required within the TMO
> > is total conformity to the TMO party line. It's all been a result of
> > Maharishi's direction and wishes.
> > 
> > And as a result of this you get people like Jim Flanegan [aka
> > sandiego] claiming brahman and acting with total disregard for the
> > Shastras and indifference toward "what is wicked and what is sacred."
> > 
> > That which Paramatman [God] with form and influence represents is
> > apparently willfully missing in the expressions and lives of these
> > people. 
> > 
> > =======
> > 
> > 
> > When people call themselves brahman then afterwards go far from dharma
> > and karma too, in this way, that condition [of oneness with brahman]
> > is not nourished but is destroyed. 
> > 
> > Therefore until you shrink from love of worldly things, then for as
> > long as you are not returning to brahman, you should do worship of
> > Bhagavan. Keep doing bhakti and when he will very much be in desire of
> > Bhagavan, then afterwards you shall be freed from janma-maraNa ke
> > chakkara - the wheel of birth and death.
> > 
> > ~~ Swami Brahmananda Saraswati  [Shri Shankaracharya UpadeshAmrita
> > kaNa 9 of 108] 
> > http://www.paulmason.info/gurudev/UA_Hindi.htm#kaNa_9
> > ==
> > 
> > 
> > A few people are getting up and having a big argument to measure and
> > distinguish saakaara (with form) and niraakaara (formless) separately.
> > If you accept paramaatmaa is all-powerful then how can you say
> > afterwards that he is not with form or that he is really shapeless? 
> > 
> > If you have been accepting that paramaatmaa is all-powerful, it is
> > improper to say that he is niraakaara (formless), that he is not
> > having form. When he is said to be free and independent then what can
> > he not be and what can he not do? 
> > 
> > Bhagavan is nirguNa (without qualities) and saguNa (endowed with
> > qualities). 
> > 
> > ~~ Swami Brahmananda Saraswati   [Shri Shankaracharya UpadeshAmrita
> > kaNa 88 of 108] 
> > http://www.paulmason.info/gurudev/UA_Hindi.htm#kaNa_88
> > 
> > The way of the group of those who believe in nirguNa [without
> > qualities alone] spread more wickedness because these people do not
> > accept the manifest form of Bhagavan [God] and suppose that the
> > niraakaara [formless] cannot see or hear.
> > 
> > So they do their mind's desires; they have no concern for what is
> > wicked and what is sacred.
> > 
> > =====
> > 
> > 'For the welfare of saadhu and for the destruction of the wicked I am
> > manifest and for the estsablishment of dharma I am manifest.'
> > 
> > ~Bhagavad Gita 4:8
> > 
> > 
> > By the word "saadhu" don't understand it to be the ones who have
> > red-brown tilaka marking or maalaa of beads around the neck. The
> > meaning of the word "saadhu" is 'good', the person who has a good
> > disposition that man exists as a saadhu, that man accepts the code of
> > conduct of the Veda shaastra, whose faith is in tending his own
> > religion. Really for the welfare of them Bhagavan becomes the avataara
> > (incarnation).
> > 
> > ~~ Swami Brahmananda Saraswati - Guru Dev
> > [Shri Shankaracharya UpadeshAmrita kaNa 88 of 108]
> > http://www.paulmason.info/gurudev/UA_Hindi.htm#kaNa_88 
> > 
> > Link to the above: http://www.paulmason.info/gurudev/upadesh.htm
> >

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