--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kirk, one thing you've got going for you is that I and others on
this forum
> love you as a brother. Doesn't matter what you believe. Does
matter who you
> are, what you do, etc. We're all blind men feeling an elephant.
Nobody has
> the whole picture.
> >>>

Now, that's eloquence !

And it scores high on my Truth Index(  for your entertainment only,
please! ):

Truth Index = "1" / ( "ego" x "number of words"
x "1 + number of curses")

Truth Index = "ONE" divided by the product of

"ego" times the "number of words" times "1 + number
of curse words"

Some Notes:

The greater "number of words" and the greater "number of curse words",
the lower the Truth Index;

unless your  "ego" =  zero  which could even be a temporary thing
like during and inspirational insight.

"ego" does seem to vary for most of us,
  like during anger, rage, etc it can be very high

For a Mahatma with zero ego, curse words may occasionally
  be used for the benefit of a disciple
without lowering the "Truth Index"

When "ego" = zero, Truth Index = infinity

overall, Rick's posts score very high on my "Truth Index"

this Truth Index is only for your entertainment

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