India vs. LSD

     I latched on to that comparison immediately......Both are full 
of vibrant colors, in both trips everything seems intensely 
significant, and then there's the bugs crawling on 
ya.......sorry....a little off topic, but unfortunate nonetheless.

     Seriously while I don't know that the author of the Gita 
intended for it to pave the way for the caste system, so many great 
ideas, so much inspiration and beauty have come from the subcontinent 
that I'd thoroughly dig a visit there. Any culture that could produce 
Buddha is cool by me.....Has anyone else made the connection of 
Buddha being to Hinduism what Jesus was to Judaism? Or am I just non 
retardedly challenged? Not entirely the same.....but they were both 
well versed in their culture's religious traditions but both kinda 
said......"this might be simpler than all this superfluous ceremonial 
stuff yer doin." And in both cases their followers created their own 
superfluous ceremonial mummery and far out religious groups and 
organizations that are often hard to connect with the life and actual 
teachings of these two people. Don't get me wrong.....I LOVE what 
Japan has done with Buddhism......Like the Nichiren Sect that teaches 
it's adherents to chant "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo" because these syllables 
are so sacred that merely uttering them brings you into alignment 
with the deeper underlying energy of the universe....

.....I KNOW! I'm like, what a coincidence! WHere have I heard that 
kinda thing?........

By the way, I would never advocate the use of ANY drugs.....I've 
NEVER done any of them so I'm SURE they have NOTHING to 
offer..... :) "I've 'heard' that LSD makes everything colorful and 
significant.........and makes you think you've got bugs crawling on 
ya.........Just remember......If drugs were Flinstone Vitamins, LSD 
would be the 'Great Gazoo'.....NEVER mix yer Gazoos with yer 
Dinos..............just....jus' DON'T.......
    Now, if religions were Flinstone Vitamins........yeah, this is 
stoopit.....good night y'all.

  --- In, "Kirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I just love India. I have had pujas done at a huge assortment of 
temples via 
> online services. Just the idea of being able to worship pretty much 
> anything. I had the five elemental temples fully abhishekaed last 
year. What 
> a boost to the imagination. I just would love to feel all of those 
> first hand and find out if it was all in my mind or what?! Buddhist 
> want me to go to Nepal and Tibet and Dharamsala and Sikkim and 
Bhutan, but 
> Buddhist that I am I am just so much more into simple goodness of 
worship of 
> things. It just seems so pretty. I think of India like being a 
really sexy 
> sweetheart, while those other places are like good hearted 
brothers. I can't 
> wait to go someday. First I will go to Vizag, Calcutta, and Assam, 
and visit 
> Devipuram, Khalighat, and Kamakhya. And also probably Babadham and 
the very 
> powerful Tarapeeth.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 3:13 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FW: eye-witness at the cremation
> > --- In, "Kirk" <kirk_bernhardt@> 
> >>
> >> I would have loved to go. I have never been to India, never 
> > had two
> >> dimes to rub together.
> >
> > I believe you! I love India too, its like an LSD trip (well I 
> > know how that is, but I think its like being in India) There were 
> > American girls who came last year and they said there is nothing 
> > can prepare you for that experience. Probably from the outside it 
> > comparable to Mexico, but then the people are different, the 
> > the sounds, the colors, its all a unique blend. And then its 
> >
> >
> >
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