I think I've found a free way to share an example of 
a story I consider a tale of power. It worked for me,
and not only downloaded the song I wanted, but the rest
of the fine album as well. 

It's a story told by Robin Williamson (formerly of the
Incredible String Band) called Finn and the Old Man's
House. It's on an album called "Wheel Of Fortune," which
is a live performance of Robin and his friend John Ren-
bourne (formerly of Pentangle). It's a story from the 
wonderful series of Finn McCool tales, told as only Robin 
can tell a story. Robin has given new life to the art of 
the Bard, the *professional* storyteller whose intent 
is to entertain and uplift and inspire. This is one of 
his best.

As with many bardic tales, this one entertains all the
way through, and keeps you laughing, and it diverges 
into many, many sub-tales that seem to have nothing to
do with the main story line. Ah, but they do. At the
end of the tale, pretty much all indulgence in non-
sequiturs will be proven sequitur indeed. 

So here's the procedure that worked for me. Go to:
and do a search for 'Wheel Of Fortune'. If it sounds like 
an album you might want to listen to, click the COMMENTS
link. In the first comment (at least when I saw it) there
is a link that says 'Download'. Click it, and you're into
a website called RapidShare, that appears as if it wants
to charge you money. But wait...I clicked the 'Free' button
at the bottom of the right column and waited.

What happened for me was a popup that kept displaying pay-
ment options, but told me something like "Your download 
will be ready in <countdown clock> minutes." I waited. 
When it finished, I got a standard download box, clicked, 
and a Zip of the whole album was delivered onto my desktop. 
Nobody asked me for any information or credit cards or 
anything. Maybe it'll work for you. If it does, I think 
you'll like the story, all eight minutes of it and I 
suspect that, being the mensch he is, Robin won't mind
all that much that you got to listen to it for free. 
Who knows...you might like his music enough to buy
more of it...

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