
> "Jesus is here, and he wants to resurrect somebody!"
>     - Rumi
Jesus was a revolutionary teacher of his time, and of any time.
His ideas go against the Power of Rome(or any earthly power)...
Which cause him to be killed.
He was the predicted 'Messiah', and was able to transcend the 'Old 
His main teaching was love and forgiveness.
Another main teaching was to keep yourself pure from impure earthly 
influences, same as Maharishi's teaching.
He healed by taking people out of the city, on sort of residence type 
courses, where he had the people purify themselves, with clean water, 
air, sunlight, beauty and love.
He had the power to expell lower vibrations from people.
He was a great healer.
He was charge with Sedition against Rome, and was executed for his 
alledged crime, of going against the money grubbers in the Temple.
Many people, mostly Jews were crucified, in those days...
Many early Jewish followers of Jesus were taken to Rome-
For the amusement of the Elitist Classes, to watch death, and hacking 
of human beings being eaten alive, burned alive, any torture which can 
be imagined.
We live in a similar world today.
We watch the same kind of filth on the collaseum of our time- TV...
Modern war, modern culture- there's really no difference.
We have a candidate who loves war, John McCain.
We have another candidate who will do anything in her lust for power.
And we have someone who stands for the same principles as Jesus;
Being crucified for his beliefs, which conflict with the 
Roman/US/Corporate interests...
Not much has changed...

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