--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "matrixmonitor"
> ---There's One as 3 things. (and more)

  <http://www.dattapeetham.org/india/datta/DattaLarg.html>      The path
of Dattatreya embraces all spiritual paths and is the source of all
other traditions. He who treads the path of Truth, regardless of what
religion he belongs to, is treading the path of Dattatreya. As an
incarnation of God, Datta came down to spread the universality of true
religion. Anyone can be his follower, regardless of cast, creed, status,
be they student, householder, recluse or renunciate. No matter what sect
or religion the true seeker follows, eventually he comes under the
guidance of Lord Dattatreya, the Eternal Spiritual Guide of all mankind.

   Datta's presence is not limited to any one country or sphere, as He is
the Guru of all Gurus, the all-seeing, all-powerful, ever-present link
between God and Man. However, special places of worship (Datta Peethas)
have grown up around sacred areas, where His presence is most strongly
felt by the sincere seeker of Datta. These places include Suchindram,
Senthamangalam, Mount Girnar, Nagalapuram in Andhra, Prayag, Datta Guha
in the Himalayas, Gulbarga -Ganagapura, Narasimhavadi in Maharastra,
Quthambara near Poona, Avadumbara, Somapuram, Chandradronagiri and Datta
Peetha at Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Ashrama, Mysore.

   One notable aspect of these Datta Peethas is their indefinable but
inseparable relationship with worship of God as Mother
<http://www.dattapeetham.org/india/datta/RajaText.html> , the Supreme
Energy -Shakti. (Hence, Sri Swamiji's fierce aspect as Mother Chamunda.)
Parasurama (eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu), approached Lord
Dattatreya and was initiated into the intricacies of how to worship the
Mother (Shreevidya Upaasana), before undertaking intense penance to
obtain the grace of the Divine Mother.

   The Saandilya Upanishad declares very clearly that Lord Dattatreya is
the Supreme Reality and is the cause of everything that is created. It
states, "The Supreme Brahman performed penance which was of the nature
of knowledge (jnyana), and desiring to become many, assumed the form of
Dattatreya. From that form came out the three letters A, U, M; the three
mystical names Bhuh, Bhuvah and Svah; the three-lined Gayatri; the three
Vedas Rig, Yajur and Sama; the three Gods Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara;
the three castes Brahmana, Kshatriya and Vysya; and the three fires
Gaarhapatya, Ashavaneeya and Dakshina."

"The lord is endowed with all wealth. He is all pervading and resides in
the hearts of all beings. He is the great Maayavi, sporting with His own
Maaya. He is Brahma. His Vishnu, He is Rudra. He is Indra and He is also
all the gods of heaven and all other beings. He is East, He is West, He
is North, He is South, He is below and He is above. He is everything.
This is the glory of the form of Dattatreya."

   Lord Dattatreya came as the Supreme Philosopher (Avadhoota
<http://www.dattapeetham.org/india/datta/avadhuta.html> ) so that the
true meaning and purpose of Sacrifice (Tyaaga) may be revealed to
mankind. Atri, His father, symbolizes penance (tapas) as described in
the scriptures, and Anasooya represents freedom from jealousy. When
penance and non-jealous nature unite in a single person, the highest
truth emerges as Lord Dattatreya. As ultimate self-sacrifice, the
Supreme God gave Himself as Datta to Atri and Anasooya. Hence, "Datta"
means not only "that which is given", but also as the ideal of "giving"
without desire for reward, i.e. selfless giving. The whole life of
Dattatreya shows us that this "giving" selflessly is the true
renunciation/sacrifice. The significance of this sacrifice is stated in
the Dattatreya Upanishad where the Lord says, "Not by action, not by
progeny, nor even by self, but by renunciation (tyaaga) alone is
immortality attained. "Real renunciation is the giving up of "I" and
mine, not the mere abandoning of duties. Living a selfless life require
giving up one's ego. That is what Lord Dattatreya describes as true

   As a Yoga-Avatar, Lord Dattatreya teaches us to perform all our duties
skillfully and diligently. Yoga does not require outside aids, nor does
it demand great physical effort. All we have to do is change our outlook
and transform our attitude to life. This "change" consist of giving up
the idea or feeling of "doership", "enjoyership" and the resultant
anxiety (and attachment ) for the fruits of our actions. By performing
all our duties with this changed outlook, our mind will be freed from
agitation and attain the restful state called "equanimity", or the state
where there is no "mind". This is the state of Bliss that every soul
ultimately aspires to. This is the state of Datta - the ultimate Gift of
      Symbolically Lord Dattatreya is depicted with three heads, six
hands, four dogs, standing in front of a cow and tree. In his hands He
holds a drum (damaru), discus like weapon (chakra), conch shell (sankh),
rosary (japa mala), water vessel (kamandala) and a trident (trisula).

   The Lord's three heads represent Brahma Tatwa, Vishnu Tatwa and Shiva
Tatwa. All powerful creative cause is Brahma, sustaining energy is
Vishnu and annihilating energy is Shiva (Srishti, Sthithi and Laya
energies) are three heads.

   All these attributes of the Lord have their esoteric meanings. The
trident is used for killing the ego, and the drum is used to awaken
those souls who are still sleeping in the slumber of ignorance. Lord
Datta's conch shell is used to sound the OMKARA, the primordial sound
and the first word of the Hindu scriptures. The divine AUM is composed
of Akara - the Creator/Initiator, Brahma; Ukara -Sustainer/Protector,
Vishnu; Makara - Destroyer/Terminator, Maheswara. When mixed together in
the conch of the Lord, they sound as the eternal Omkara -Datta.

   OM is an essential sound. With every breath our lungs resonate the
Omkara. So-hum...So-hum... I am the world, I am the universe, I am Lord
Shiva, I am Lord Vishnu... We are always chanting this mantra, even when
we are walking, talking, eating or sleeping. The speed with which we
sound this So-hum may change with our bodily activity, but the So-hum
remains eternal. When the body stops resonating with this divine sound,
the soul seeks another residence. All living creatures, even animals
resonate this AUM in their body. In Sanskrit, "Datta" means gift, hence,
Omkara is the eternal gift of God to all souls.

   Lord Dattatreya is also holding a rotating discus -chakra. It is a
round circle with no beginning and no end. Like the universe, it too is
constantly moving, always in a flux. He uses this chakra to destroy all
kinds of karmic bonds of His devotees. His right hand holds a rosary
-japa mala. With this the Lord counts His devotees, liberating them by
merely thinking of their name. In another hand the Lord is carrying the
water pot -kamandala. This holds the nectar of pure wisdom. With this He
revives the souls thirsty for knowledge, liberating them from the
endless cycle of life and death.

   The four dogs of Dattatreya are the embodiments of the four Vedas.
They follow the Lord as "hounds of heaven, watchdogs of the ultimate
Truth". They help the Lord in "hunting" and finding pure souls, wherever
they may be born. Behind the Lord Dattatreya is the cow named Kamadhenu.
This divine cow grants the wishes and desires of all those who seek the
Lord. She grants all material and spiritual wishes of the Lord's

   The Lord stands in front of the Audumbara tree. This is the celestial
wish -yielding tree. It fulfills the wishes of those who prostrate
before it. Audumbara is the bearer of nectar, and wherever it is found,
Lord Dattatreya is always found in it's shade.

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