> > to Kali before and after Realization, and Ramana Maharshi was 
> devoted 
> > to Arunachala Shiva.
> > 
> Rather than a God worshipped as if outside us, the exact same, 
> defined energy is then found within us. It is a trippy feeling, so 
> much so that it even creeps me out a little bit. If I wasn't able 
> experience it, I wouldn't believe it. Krishna, Shiva, Vishnu, all 
> there, all here. 
> now here = nowhere.
When Maharishi talks about 'self-referral', all is contained within 
Self is the unbounded pure transcendental self of consciousness of 
Now, that consciousness of Self, can vibrate this way or that.
According to the vibration, or Deva, or whatever...
This can be made manifest on the level of vibration.
Because this fine level of vibration is established in pure 
consciousness, then the influence of a consciousness vibrating Shiva,
would have infinite value.
Same with vibrating the influence of Vishnu or Rama...
Same would be the vibration of Jesus, if you wanted to use Jesus as 
your inspiration, on the finest level of the essence of Jesus, you 
would find a loving teacher...
The 'myth' of Jesus is the 'myth' of Life.

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