It's like "Days of our Lives". FFL could be 
marketed as a highly addictive virtual
reality experience.

--- In, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "sandiego108" <sandiego108@>
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "endlessrainintoapapercup" 
> > <endlessrainintoapapercup@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Wading through the mud...a question
> > > for sandiego108 regarding Barry's
> > > snipped quotes:
> > > 
> > > "Sounds as if someone is losing his touted 
> > > Brahman Consciousness, and is a little pissed 
> > > off." 
> > > 
> > > "I think it's important to remember that the 
> > > person saying this has claimed to be fully 
> > > enlightened. Not just in CC, not just in GC, 
> > > not just in UC, but in Maharishi-certified BC."
> > > 
> > > Are these words a valid representation of
> > > your beliefs and experience, or is this the-
> > > world-according-to-Barry? (no offense 
> > > intended,'s that POV thing) 
> > > If valid, does it indicate that you have been 
> > > previously confirmed by MMY as having 
> > > symptoms of BC...or fully established BC? 
> > > (My interest is entirely friendly and 
> > > non-hostile.) 
> > 
> > Hi, good question-- it is entirely the world according to Barry- I 
> > have never met Maharishi, and though I did once talk about states of 
> > consciousness relative to my experience, I no longer do so openly 
> > here. Generated way too much negative reaction. If you would like to 
> > email me privately, please do.
> For the record, the only thing in my description
> above that was not true was the quip about "Maharishi-
> certified." That was a joke, and I should have put 
> it in quotes.
> But Jim, back when he was still posting as Jim,
> claimed MANY times to be speaking from the platform
> of not only enlightenment, not only Unity Consciousness, 
> but went out of his way to comment on Brahman Con-
> sciousness, clearly implying that he was speaking 
> from the level of personal experience. 
> Many of us asked him to explain how he balanced these
> claims with his repeated outbursts of anger and slams
> against people, not to mention his "proclamations"
> that he claimed were the absolute, undeniable truth, 
> such as claiming that Buddha said "God is love." 
> (Hint: Buddha didn't believe in God.) 
> He and another fellow named Rory used to "hold forth" 
> as enlightened ones here, and when challenged on items 
> of cognitive dissonance such as these, tended to 
> respond by telling us all how things would make sense 
> to us when we were all as high and as highly evolved
> as they were.
> Meanwhile, they both tended to get carried away 
> defending themselves, so much so that they exceeded
> the posting limit. They both stalked off in a snit
> after having been banned for a week, and after I 
> and others commented that their purported enlight-
> enment had seemingly left them them unable to count 
> to 50. Rory has not returned. Jim returned as 
> sandiego108 and has *still*, as far as I know, 
> acknowledged who he is, although he slips up from 
> time to time and posts something as sandiego108
> that he attributes to Jim Flanegin (himself).
> Jim has waxed eloquent in the past about how he
> has no self (small s), and is now only Self. And
> yet when he snuck back to FFL as sandiego108, it
> took less than two days for most people here to
> figure out who he was, because of his unique 
> style of putdowns and making proclamations. Go 
> figure.
> I have nothing against the guy; I'm sure he's a
> nice guy in person. It's just that when he refers
> to ME as a poseur it's a little laughable. I 
> suspect I'm not the only person here who feels
> that way, based on the difference between what
> he claims to be and how he acts. My only issue
> with him all along is that he not only doesn't
> seem to walk the walk of his talk, he doesn't
> even *get* that he doesn't walk the walk of
> his talk. There is a cluelessness there that I, 
> for one, do not associate with enlightenment.
> I once summarized what I thought of his purported
> state of consciousness in one sentence. He lives 
> 200% of life -- 10% real but inflated experiences 
> of realization, 95% New Age bullshit, and 95% 
> moodmaking. I'll stand on that assessment. Jim
> can speak for himself. Or not, as the case may be.

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