Just finished watching it and I share some of your observatiosn but really thought the perfect TM family and the whole TM experience came across as pretty weird.

On Mar 31, 2008, at 8:02 PM, gruntlespam wrote:

Just finished watching the program...

If you are in the UK you can watch the program online at the BBC's website - go to the iPlayer section. But you MUST be in the UK - ie. with a UK IP address. If you are outside the UK, you will need to go via a UK proxy server, this will fool the BBC website into thinking
you are in the UK. Look on the web for such a service.

Plus the program is only online for the next 7 days.



The presenter (a scientist - physicist) first does buddhist meditation with Matthiew Ricard in Nepal (AKA "The Happiest Man Alive"). Sitting cross-legged on a small stool; following
her breath, days and days of practice etc.

Then she (yes - she) looks at all the medical studies - and goes off to Vedic City, as the
most pure research she could find is by the TM movement.

I don't remember her using the words "pure research" or even saying there was anything special other than the fact the TM people had done a lot of it; in fact she is suspicious of them it seems from the beginning because as a trained physicist she knew the unified field crapola was just bunk. No wool pulled over her eyes.

She's given a tour of the SV
houses, meets a nice TM family (the Johnsons) and then watches some flying - and is invited onto the foam to try for herself in the physical sense. Funny - she is laughing and
no match for the male TMSP guys who have their flying down pat.

She also comments on watching them "Mad!" as if to say 'this is really pretty whacky'.

But it's interesting how the flying does not shock her - she just finds it amusing. The guy
showing her around was a touch creepy, a real TBer I'm sure.

Yeah I got that too.

She hears about the "Unified Field Theory" and remarks in the voice- over how that's "not even been established yet". Shame they could not get John Hagelin to have a chat with her. Don't know what she would have made of a fellow physicist - he is very eloquent.

But still it's pretty well known that unified field theories are describing the grossest physicalities and in no way are associated with "consciousness". If she would have heard Hagelin--esp. if he used his castrato-TMers voice schtick--I can easily see her fleeing FF....after all she's not easily fooled.

She remarks how all the secrecy seems so odd, and baulks at the $2,500 to learn!!! But
she say how happy and content everyone looks. No mention of the ME.

Well they probably told her. When they take her to the teleconference she's sitting in front of a huge frickin' poster that says "Global Country of World Peace" in that Adobe Illustrator looking style they're so fond of.

Then she has a teleconference with a TM scientist in Holland who gives her the standard spiel. Then she goes back to the UK and looks at some of the major "reviews" of research into TM and heart health. Concludes that TM is a shade better then other techniques as far
as the reviews are concerned.

WTF was it with that guy? They get the video feed working and here's this guy meditating. So they wait for him to come out of TM. He seemed like a TM android. Cult!

Then she moves onto other research on general buddhist "breath" meditation etc, as is amazed at the MRI scanning evidence. "Cortical thickness" is 0.1 to 0.2 mm thicker in
people who meditate etc..

Then she talks to some doctors etc. who are doing "ground breaking research" etc - and coming to conclusions that the TM research established decades ago. It does take decades
to change scientific viewpoints.

Well, really she eventually, as a scientist, gets to the final part of research: the reviews that physicians use--and she finds that the TM research she'd seen touted and hailed all over the web and by the TMO, was actually when looked at honestly was rather ho-hum and insignificant. She'd been mislead.

So a good program - but just such a shame that the TMO were bit- players, and came out of it "odd" to say the least. I've never been in the movement as such - just a TMSP guy for 13 years with a few courses here and there. I feel sad for the TMO and all you folks who hoped it could be so much. But who knows what was MMY was really up to.

Who knows? Counting money I guess.

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