Richard Hughes wrote:
> Apologies to any TM folk who are upset by me 
> glibly posting my, secret and never to be spoken 
> aloud, mantra here but I'm interested in where it 
> came from.
The TM bija mantras are derived from the tantric Sri 
Vidya tradition of Karnataka. Swami Brahmananda 
Saraswati belonged to the Saraswati sampradaya which 
is headquartered at Sringeri. Swmaiji's guru was 
Swami Krishananda Saraswati. All the Saraswati gurus 
follow the Sri Vidya tradition. The TM bija mantras 
are enumerated in the main scripture of Sri Vidya, 
the Saundaryalahari which was composed by the Adi 

Read more:

Auspicious Wisdom:

Excerpt from 'Auspicious Wisdom":

"Like the other Sankara texts, it is possible that 
SL was composed either in the Sankara matha of 
Srinigeri or Kanchipuram. The attribution of these 
four works to Sankara solidifies connections between 
smarta brahmans, who identify with one of the southern 
Sankara pithas, and Sakta and Srividya traditionalists. 

Srividya appears to have undergone something of a 
reformation in the south in the period of the 
composition of these texts. Between the ninth and 
twelfth centuries, southerners distance themselves 
from Kashmiri Kaulism in order to distinguish Srividya 
from morally suspect Tantrism. Sakta non-dualism is 
broadly construed to be compatible with Sankara's 
advaita Vedanta, though points of difference are 
rarely articulated and no serious effort is made to 
address them." 

Work cited:

"Auspicious Wisdom"
by Douglas Renfrew Brooks
State University of New York Press, 1992
(page 47-48)

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