On Apr 20, 2008, at 5:13 PM, authfriend wrote:

Tell that to Ms. Coattail-Rider Hillary, Judy.  She seemed to
think 90s nostalgia as well as the former myth of her
"inevitability" were all she needed.

She was elected to the Senate twice, Sal, by
large margins. She thinks her record as an
independent person qualifies her to be president.

Sure she does, Judy, which is why she surely would
have been elected to the Senate even if she had been a total
unknown named Mrs. Jones and why he's played no role
 whatsoever in her campaign.

She has no record as an "independent person." She hoped
to parlay her victimhood as First Lady as well as her
time in elected office, all courtesy of her hubby,
into becoming the First Woman President.  Isn't
working, and it isn't too difficult to figure out why.


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