Judy wrote:
> > Oh, I see. Funny you didn't mention this at the
> > time, especially after I asked where you had
> > gotten your data, and then after I posted the
> > popular vote total.
> >
Barry wrote:
> You don't seem to GET it, Judy.
You don't seem to get it, Barry. Judy gave you the
url so you can read the popular vote total:

2008 Democratic Popular Vote:


> Sal's function is not to answer your endless
> nitpicky, argumentative questions, but to set
> you up so that you reply angrily over and over
> and over and blow out of Fairfield Life for
> the week in the shortest possible amount of
> time. 
Judy probably composed most of her posts off-line
long before she posted them, and anyway, who'd want 
to waste more than a few minutes a week discussing 
anything with Sal? 

> So far she's doing very well. What have you
> got left after less than 24 hours of posting,
> one or two more?
Your function is to keep track of Judy's posts
so that we can see how out-of-touch with the U.S. 
political race you are. But why you'd want to
waste your posts doing this is anyone's guess
since is makes you look really ignorant - a
political pundit you are not, if this post is any

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