--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, satvadude108 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > 
> > > Then stop debating, Judy.  Is something forcing you to?
> > 
> > I'm enjoying the opportunity to repeatedly smear
> > egg all over your face, Sal.
> Why do you hate sweet Sal so much? I bet she isn't 
> even black.

Ah, but her heart is.

You can tell, because she doesn't react as
if Judy's (or Hillary's) words are Truth
Incarnate, delivered from on high by the
holy prophet. Sure sign of a low birth
right there.

Here's my theory, which is mine. What we're
seeing in several people on this forum is
a variant of good, old-fashioned Freudian
"penis envy." But in this case it's more 
properly termed "spiritual teacher envy."

It manifests in people of weak minds who
just bought the stuff told to them by one
or more of their spiritual teachers for 
years -- in some cases, decades. If the 
teacher said it, these people just believed 
that it was true, and not only true...it was 

After decades of doing this themselves, and
seeing others around them doing the same
thing, they've decided that they'd like it
if everyone reacted the same way to the
things that *they* say. So they have some
minor spiritual realizations and announce
their enlightenment, and they make "pro-
nouncements," just like their teacher did.
Or they set themselves up as the arbiter
of all that is right in the world, and make
similar pronouncements on what is WRONG with
the world, and who is to blame for it. Or
they get equally manic behind "defending" a
body of science or the spiritual teacher
himself, and they make pronouncements about

And then they sit back and wait for people
to react to their holy words the same way
that *they* have reacted to the holy Truth
as revealed by their spiritual teacher for
decades. They wait for the "strokes," for
the applause, for the bowing and scraping.

And what do they hear? Total silence. Or 
even laughter, or derision.

It's just not FAIR, think these wannabe 
prophets! When my spiritual teacher (or TM
teacher, or whomever) spoke, everybody paid
attention to him/her! They merely *assumed*
that these people they listened to had 
credibility, and were speaking the Truth.
I spoke the same way...why don't they BOW
to me and just believe every word the way
I did? What are they doing LAUGHING at me?

Well, they're doing the same thing YOU 
should have done when someone tried to make
"pronouncements" to you, and you just bought
them lock, stock, and barrel. For decades.

Maybe you should learn from this. Isn't it
about time?

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