What of this issue?

It's been bandied indirectly, but let's take a poll:

How racist do you think America is?

I'm sincerely asking everyone here to weigh in on this direct question.

To me,  about 1/3 of Americans are deeply, blindly panicked that a black
could be president.  I'm thinking that if Obama gets the nod, they'll be
strongly motivated to get to the voting booth in larger than normal
turnout-numbers for McCain --despite McCain's liberality.  I don't think
these folks can be reasoned with.  I have members of my extended family
that are totally racist and they just cannot be reached -- I've tried
and they simply clam up when they get cornered.  I think racism could be
studied by experimental psychology and most if not all the major
dynamics of being human would become clear -- racism is bone deep
imprinted xenophobia that is easily imprinted because of "built in,"
resonant, DNA driven, species-tribalism.

So, score one for Judy on her use of the "unelectable" word.  To have
1/3 of all voters so locked in against a candidate is certainly an
uphill battle that a white person would not directly face.  And since
the elections have been so close lately when only whites were running,
it seems that this intractable 1/3 is a huge deficit to begin a campaign

But, score one for Obama in that despite the above challenge, he's risen
to his present stature where stadiums are being filled with true
believers who are surprisingly young or traditionally not-in-the-mix
blacks who haven't done the political process because of "why try when
it's rigged?"  If he's done this well so far with those two "non-voting"
groups, maybe that 1/3 is not going to be a problem.  Will they show up
on election day is a big question though.

If Turq is right that "unelectable" means "nigger," (and I think he has
a very strong point because I've seen the addiction to racism first hand
in the hearts and minds of those I love,) then indeed, merely mentioning
this concept of unelectability will CERTAINLY trigger/signal to the
minds of racists that, yup, Obama's black and strengthen their
imprinting.  And to those who were lucky enough to not have had their
godlike parents imprint them fully into racism, these on-the-cusp
personalities could be brought into the darkside's fold by this constant
banging on them to put their attention on his blackness and all the
stereotypical racist delusions.

I personally think that Hillary's 50% support is strongly indicative of
her being buoyed up by cross over ditto-head types who will vote for
McCain eventually but want to stop a black person from getting the nom. 
If Obama were not black, Hillary would have, say, only 25% in the polls
-- just guessing here.  With Hillary getting the nom, then McCain can
have a field day running against Bill's record, blow job, pardons, money
stuff, and, get this, Bill's actions against Saddam that show he was
supportive of war, war profiteering, and taking lobbiest money from
these profiteering.  Hillary will lose against McCain, not because she's
so bad, but because Bill's record can be pinned on her....and to me,
rightly so, cuz if I'm sleeping with someone, I've got intimate access
to the reins of power and will have an influence.  'Course, if Hillary
wasn't sleeping with Bill during her first ladyshipping, then that shows
her to be compromising perhaps the deepest "womanly virtue" by wearing a
crass power-addiction-driven mask.

Obama against McCain has one superdooper thingie that Hillary cannot
bring to the election: putting racism squarely onto the table like a 500
pound hunk of rotting meat and making America look into a mirror when
the racist swiftboating starts churning out the bile.  It will be so
over the top and obvious that even racists will be appalled at the
forthright presentation of hate.  To me, to have a black candidate will
force America to see itself much more clearly and the angst will be
palpable.  So much so, that I have to worry about what will be done to
stop Obama's candidacy before the Democratic Convention -- killed in a
kitchen seems to be a very possible solution to white America's fears. 
If Bobby got it that way, Obama surely can be offed too.

I'm thinking that that 1/3 of America would rather have race riots all
summer and maybe for years because of an Obama assassination, because,
now, those riots are strongly anticipated by police departments
everywhere and sound-cannons, skin burning ray guns, etc. are at the
ready -- then the internment camps get filled with looters
etc....effectively criminalizing another whole generation of blacks with
charges that will insure they don't get hired, cannot vote, etc.

But, I lived through the Detroit riots, and I'm here to tell you that
killing Martin Luther King was nothing compared to what killing Obama
would be.  Obama has gotten blacks to think they could actually be
represented in the political process by one of their own, and they are
just not going to let that be taken away by a bullet.  Assassination of
Obama will not be taken as a one-off deal, but instead the African
American population will be traumatized so deeply that the held-back
anger will be released in a nation splitting surge of violence across
the country that could last for a decade or longer.  This alone could
cause Martial Law to be declared, the election delayed, etc.

Then bomb Iran and the fate of America is locked in for years more of
profiteering war mongers.

If Obama gets the nom, and the election is held, then, yup, it could
simply mean that they're going to steal the election once again with
bogus voting machines, disenfranchising black voters with various rovian
ruses, totally fucking lying polls that are simply made up, etc.

Only a 28% approval rating for Bush, and yet, strangely, McCain who is
promising to carry on the war mongering, is polling at about 50/50 with
either Hillary or Obama.  WTF, eh?  80% of the country wants out of
Iraq, but 50% are likely to vote for McCain?  Come again?  See?  This is
BigBiz manipulating the public with entirely rigged polls that guarantee
in advance what the responses will be to obviously  loaded questions.

Look at the ABC debate questions!  It was racism pure and simple, folks.

Given Obama's momentum, I'm predicting assassination, or, some dark
secret about Obama being revealed, or, voting machine fraud, or, Bush's
bombing of Iran bringing Russia etc. into the fray and America going on
a wartime footing that rushes McCain, the killer, into the presidency.

In short, it looks really fucking bad, and we should all be prepared for


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > As used by the Clinton campaign, "unelectable"
> > is a synonym for "nigger." At least that's
> > what they're hoping you'll hear when they
> > use the word.
> That is a truly, deeply, irredeemably filthy lie.

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