On Apr 27, 2008, at 2:23 PM, boo_lives wrote:

>> Don't tell me.  Let me guess.  Maharishi has moved to Paris and is
>> living in next door to Jim Morrison.  I agree that the pictures don't
>> look at all like Maharishi but then again, what does an Indian corpse
>> look like?
>> Well, I guess it's OK to reveal the big IA secret.  Maharishi asked
>> that food no longer be brought to him and that is the way he chose to
>> go.  The corpse looks pretty hefty, especially the face.  Doesn't
>> compute.  But the TMO is one big enigma.  The man who couldn't return
>> to india was given a state funeral.  I can't figure that one out.   
>> The
>> n again money talks very loudly in India and also perhaps the there
>> was remorse when he bit the dust.
> I think its the money more than remorse.  India knew 1000s of
> westerners would want to come to India for the full monty rites and
> didn't want to disappoint.  Or maybe just bribed the right pundits.

Given the long delay before the announcement of a state funeral, I'd  
have to guess there was money involved. I heard an account that the  
state funeral was after there was a "plea" that there even to be one  
by TB's. After all, there was a legitimate humanitarian who died at  
the same time who required no "pleas", Baba Amte.

Why did Mahesh's corpse look so bad? Well the most obvious reason is  
that he forewent standard 'western style' embalming techniques and  
instead went for some traditional procedure. Of course it doesn't bade  
well for those that believe 'the finer a saint, the slower their body  
corrupts after death' stories. Ole Mahesh it appeared began to  
decompose in record time. :-) I mean they wheeled him out in front of  
the cameras right after he expired and he already looked pretty  
crappy--but he was in the final stages of a painful death due to  
complications from diabetes. There had been talk of others hearing him  
crying out in pain in the months leading up to the death, as he was in  
some bad pain (so much for the samadhi and bliss, huh?).

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