TurquoiseB wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Astrology has been around for centuries so if it truly 
>> had no value it would have disappeared long ago.  
> Belief in God has no proven value, and it's
> still around. People *like* to believe in
> fantasies.
Unless you define "God" as everything that is, was and will be, right?
>> As for the naysayers, most are talking out of their 
>> butt because they've never done their homework.  ;-)
> And, quite honestly, it seems to me that a 
> few of the yea-sayers are talking out of
> attachment TO having done their homework,
> and having "invested" a great deal of 
> belief and time and effort into something 
> they can't prove has value, any more than 
> they can prove the existence of or the 
> value of God.
> What's fascinating is that the same folks
> who occasionally poke fun at the TB TMers
> for holding onto beliefs that they can't
> prove are acting remarkably *like* those 
> TB TMers now that a few of the things that 
> *they* believe in have been challenged.
We''re not talking Maharishi Jyotish here, are we?  When TB TM'ers are 
poked fun at those poking fun are not poking fun at meditation in 
general, are they?

> Attachment is attachment in my book. 
You're attached to your book? 

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