curtisdeltablues wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Astrology has been around for centuries so if it truly had no value it 
>> would have disappeared long ago. 
> It's value may be psychological for people who want life to make sense
> in an orderly way.  This criteria has nothing to do with the
> confidence we should place in its claims.
I got reading to see if I had selected the right career path in life.  
Not only did I select the proper career path but I couldn't help but do 
it.   I have three planets in the third house including the income and 
career planets.  The third house is the house of communications.  
Everything I've done career wise has been related to that.   Not only 
that my ascendant lends itself to that too.  I've seen this pattern with 
others.  They often don't stray from the career path in the chart and 
when they do disaster arises unless it is some temporary job.
>  As for the naysayers, most are talking 
>> out of their butt because they've never done their homework.  ;-)
> I wondered how long it would take for this type of argument to emerge.
Well if I said that the MPEG-4 codec uses long GOP frames and  MPEG-2 
usually doesn't you could claim I was speaking baloney when I would 
certainly think you haven't done your homework.  :-D
>> Westerners always look to specifics out of astrology but Indians want 
>> more general answers to things like "will I get married", "will I have 
>> children"or  "will I get a job?" 
> In my experience Western astrology focuses more on personality traits
> and Indians are the ones who want specific practical information.  YOu
> can't get more specific than the claim for a specific time as
> "auspicious' for weddings or business ventures.
But even those recommendations called "Muhurtas" have some latitude to 
them.  It has been the centuries long experience that choosing the wrong 
Muhurta can be disastrous.   Note too that  Indians often just use a  
Panchang which has more to do with the Moon than other planets.  My 
introduction to astrology was watching what was auspicious in a Moon 
calendar that a girlfriend gave me.  It was remarkably insightful.
> These are things that can be answered 
>> by looking at the status of the planetary indicators for these things.  
>> I've done charts for people where I could just about guess from the 
>> chart what their main question was going to be and often that was "why 
>> am I not married?"  Well the 7th lord or other planets associated with 
>> marriage were just trashed in the chart.  I've even seen very saintly 
>> Indian astrologers tell someone with that configuration to just have 
>> "flings." :-)
> Would you care to test this ability on someone here?  This should be
> fun.  Not someone with as much personal information online as I have
> but someone who doesn't post her often?
Like I said let's not turn FFL into another Yahoo astrology group.  
There are plenty of those.

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