On Apr 29, 2008, at 2:47 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

> You're doing the same thing as Judy reviewing "Apocalypto".  She
> commented without ever seeing the movie and you've never done
> astrology.  Your ignorance is showing as there are MANY schools and
> systems of jyotish, not just one.  You will often get errors from the
> novices who for some reason after having a couple of workshops on the
> subject and set up shop charging for readings while many Indian
> astrologers went for years just practicing for nothing to craft their
> skills before hanging out a shingle.
> A wiser person would have said "I haven't studied jyotish so I can't
> comment on its veracity."  Likewise I haven't studied Buddhist  
> Tantra so
> can't comment on its veracity.

Interestingly, Jyotish figures prominently in several Buddhist  
anuttara tantras, like the Great Cycle of Time tantra (kalachakra- 
tantra). Buddhahood is likened to the mastery of various cycles of  
time, inner, outer and secret. You see the same thing in Hindu agamas  
like the Shiva-swarodaya. When yogis of these systems are really  
finely attuned to kosmos, they can even tell the rising sign of a  
person by feeling their normal breathing patterns. Swami Rama had this  
siddhi. But ultimately, they go beyond time--and can see the cycles in  
everything from the breath to the changing landscape.

It's pretty hard to be a Buddha and not be omniscient, and mastering  
time is a central point of unimpeded omniscience.

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