I agree with the Edg's premise (quoted below) that it is VERY DIFFICULT 
for a white person to know what it is to be black, but I disagree that 
a white person cannot possibly know what it is to be hurt, brainwashed, 
intimidated, forced, challenged, tortured, and negated.

Separate point ~~ I can often pick out from a distance the difference 
between an American black and a foreign black (esp from Africa).  
Blacks raised in the U.S. have an internal tension and defensiveness 
that foreign-born-and-raised blacks don't show.  That tension shows in 
their posture and body language.  This is such a sad statement about 
how their environment affects them.  I am not assigning blame with that 
statement, just observing that their environment, due to all the causes 
that shape it, causes a lot of tension within them.

Another separate point ~~ Reincarnation (I'm *exploring* this, not 
making a case for reincarnation) would make it possible for a white to 
have been an American black in a past life, and therefore feel in their 
bones or their genes or soul or wherever it shows up, the tension, 
fear, anger (WRATH!), suspicion, that accumulates over a lifetime.

~ Spiritkin

Edg wrote in the "Questions for FFL's racists" thread:
> "No white person could possibly know what it is 
> to be born black with the MASSIVE EVIL BRAINWASHING 
> comprehend what it is like to be in a culture that has
> been forced to keep its mouth shut at the point of a gun 
> -- FOR CENTURIES. No white person can possibly know what 
> challenges are presented to a good hearted black person 
> who is daily TORTURED with glares, sneers, abasements, 
> and negative judgments by the dominant, heavily armed, 
> racist kidnappers of whole African villages.

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