What we really ought to do is tax "creativity". So people will use
less of it. Conserve it. Tax it heavily. 

And yet NONE of the presidential candidates are tacking about this.
None have the courage to tell us the truth, "you are limited
uncreative fools and we need to conserve our creativity -- so we are
going to tax it at 90%."

I think its a conspiracy.

At least Bush walks the talk.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is such an important point. I am glad Sandi and at least a few
> others GET IT. Creativity is a limited resource. Its fixed. Its a
> zero-sum game. You use more creativity and it drains the well for the
> rest of us. We have less. Those high income types, and high earning
> corporations, they are thieves, sucking up all of OUR creativity. And
> so the only rational thing to do is to outlaw, or at least severely
> tax, any of the fruits of that ill-begotten creativity. 
> Corporate profits are driven by innovation and technology. Doing more
> with less. Technology and innovation are driven by creativity and
> insight. Since Creativity and insight are fixed, a limited resource,
> when a company steals more of its share, its higher than average
> profits are the same as theft. And they should be taken back.  The CEO
> and his hnechmaen should be locked up. We can't have flaggerant
> abusers of creativity walking the streets as free men and women.
> Same with individual incomes. Those people (scum really), that write
> insightful books, create good films, produce good music, make
> photovoltaic panels, make electric cars, play good baseball or tennis,
> etc, are all sucking up and stealing OUR creativity. Tax those
> bastards at confiscatory rates. Repossess their homes. Seize their
> cars.  Make their gfs go on dates with normal guys. 
> Remember, conserve your creativity. Its a natural resource like oil.
> Fixed. Diminishing. Don't let those robber barrons steal what is
> rightfully your share. 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sandiego108" <sandiego108@>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > The other issue to consider with the pure numbers game on taxes is 
> > > what percentage of income goes for basic living expenses? Although 
> > > someone at the poverty line pays no taxes, the amount they make 
> > > doesn't cover basic expenses. Even the middle class spends most of 
> > > its income on basic living expenses. So those that argue that the 
> > > rich pay more income tax are in a sense lying with numbers--
> > > with an income of $10M per year, will have plenty left over after 
> > > food, shelter, transportation, and discretionary spending. 
> > > 
> > > And the reality that the rich get richer is the foundation of 
> > > capitalism. So there doesn't appear to be a quick fix for this. How 
> > > would that work anyway? Even here in the US, if the rich were taxed 
> > > more, they would just hire more lawyers to find more loopholes, or 
> > > fund more lobbyists to pass more loophole laden legislation. It is 
> > > baked into the system that people here can make as much as they 
> > > want. No check on the income growth. 
> > 
> > Yes! No one should make more than $20,000 / year. Confiscate the rest.
> > And we have no check on corporate profits! Google -- those robber
> > barrons. And please! Lock up that Jobs guy. Pandering to the massess
> > with pink pretty Ipods. How shameless. How horrible! We need limits.
> > We need boundaries. We need to reel in creativity and insight. Smash
> > it wherever it comes up. And you whats worse! Some people actually get
> > laid more than the middle class. Those yoni thieves. We should cap sex
> > to three times a month. And heavily tax the third time.  And don't get
> > me started on Awareness. It should be focussed, constrained and
> > channeled. Why do you know that some middle class use up almost all
> > their awareness just day-today living? While fat rich slovenly Wakers
> > have tons of excess awareness. Its a friggin crime. Tax awareness!
> > Limit it. Cap it!
> >

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