--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "hugheshugo"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Rick, 
> > 
> > nice discussion.
> > Good points raised.
> > 
> > But really:
> > Guy Fawkes Day is Nov 5th.
> > And Aprils Fools Day is April 1st.
> > 
> > So the guy sending this blame against
> > Raja Emanuel definitely has something
> > against him.
> I doubt he has anything against him Joerg, GF just has
> a sense of humour about your hilarious costumes, I'm sure
> if you could take a step back and see all this "raja"
> bullshit for what it is you would be laughing too.
> My question to you Joerg is, why are you reading FFL? Is 
> monitoring this site something done by international 
> regularly? If so, why? 

More important, why does he so desperately
want to know guyfawkes' real identity?

Could it possibly be that, as GF suggested
about "Raja" Emanuel wanting to finish Hitler's
work, Joergie-boy has some *retribution* in mind 
for GF? Possibly a camp somewhere, or legal action, 
or at the very least being banned for life from
TM functions. (Not that the latter is likely
to bother GF, whoever he is.)

Can't have people poking fun at our leaders,
after all. Must punish.

THAT mindset is why satires like this one are so
necessary. THAT is what is wrong with the TM 

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