Vaj wrote:
> Actually there's a new crop of Neo-Buddhists who 
> follow very, very similar patterns that we see 
> in Neo-Advaita circles these daze.
New crop?

According to Guadapadacharya, the central doctrine 
of Adwaita is 'ajativada', that is, non-production. 
Nothing is produced anywhere at any time; there is 
no birth, no production of anything, no cause and

Therefore, no real objective world outside of con-
sciousness. Actualy we are mistaken in our experience
of things and events. We only 'seem' to see things
and things only 'appear' to be real. All sensory and 
mental experience, with the exception of pure
contentless consciousness, is illusion, just like 
in a dream.

22. Nothing whatever is brought into existence, 
whether from itself or from something else: nothing 
at all! Not anything existent, non-existent or both 
is ever orginated.

Nagarjuna, the brilliant Madhyamika logician, agrees
with this in his 'Four Negations'.

Work cited:

'Dispelling Illusion'
Gaudapada's Alatasanti
By Douglas A. Fox
State University of New York Press, 1993
Page 82.

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