TurquoiseB wrote:
> In my case, I can honestly say that my TM mantra
> has not "popped into my mind" in well over three
> decades.


Why is it, Barry, that you always seem to want to
say that you're better than other people? Whether 
it's meditation, philosophy, mythology, or even
your current domicile, you're always trying to 
prove something. So, you went to a flea market, 
or to a bar or to a cafe, so what? You're just 
another guy, no big deal. One thing that has 
definitely 'popped' into your mind is to pester 
us with your greatness. Soon you'll be dead meat, 
so ramble on, for a little while more.

"Uncle Tantra (UT) is suffering from acute 
Narcissism. Because he dropped-out of both TM and 
Rama's program he needs to 'rewrite' history and 
trash religious groups that he once belonged to.  
Yet at the same time he needs to 'show-off' to 
current 'followers' and write spiritual essays of 
the same teachers he trashes in private.  By 
engaging in this neurotic contradiction any 
personal failures are covered-up by UT's dual 
positions.  Uncle Tantra's ego can instead present 
to others the image he clings to: a great writer, 
an advanced spiritual seeker that has gone into 
'Samadhi', and the hip 60's Jungian wise-old man 
persona that he so pathetically attempts to 
cultivate in his ramblings and even through his 
name 'Uncle Tantra'." 

Read more:

Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Subject: Trashing Rama - An analysis
From: Garuda
Date: Wed, May 7 2003

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