--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No, NOT the people who hang out on FFL, although 
> some of us are. :-) 
> What I had in mind are "objects of power" -- things
> in your house that you might have picked up along the 
> Way and that hold some spiritual significance for you. 

Oh, the picture i have of John Hagelin on my alter.  Along with 
Ammachi, Karunamayi, Mother Meera, Yogananda, Guru Dev and other 
saints.  Along with my meditation and spiritual practices i also 
pray, that John Hagelin could pull it off.

I keep a cool hammering rock that was left on my property.  It 
flipped up to the surface about 25 years ago while i was disking and 
harrowing one spring.  A hand made rock tool from a kind of rock that 
is not from around here which some native American left behind.  A 
lot of people have lived here for a long time, is sort of humbling.  
I also got some glacial eratics that show the movements of past 
glaciers over here.  Age old.  

> So, does anyone have any cool old relics they'd love to
> rap about? Things that uplift and inspire you consistently,
> and are thus of value to you on your spiritual path?

> Whatever they are -- statues or paintings of teachers
> or saints or gods and goddesses you revere, thangkas
> of Tibetan saints, photos of places of power or actual
> objects you collected in those places -- if you're like 
> me you fell in love with these objects when you first 
> saw them, and just had to take them home with you and 
> put them in a place of honor in your house. 
> So, just out of curiosity, what cool spiritual objects
> have the folks here at Fairfield Life collected in their
> travels? 
> I'm thinking about this because I saw a show of holy 
> relics in Barcelona yesterday, and then came home,
> looked around, and realized that I had my share of them,
> too. Most would qualify as art -- Tibetan tsaklis, a 
> drum from a Zen temple in Kyoto, etc. -- some are just
> rocks or shards of pottery I picked up while visiting
> a place of power. 
> My favorite, just to show that I really am curious 
> and that I collect such things myself, is a garment that
> hangs on the wall above my bed. It's a Tibetan high lama's 
> robe, 17th century, from the Drepung monastery. The head 
> lama of the monastery would have worn it on ceremonial 
> occasions, during which he would have danced for his 
> students, simultaneously transmitting an empowerment. 
> For me it just rocks. I get high just looking at it, and
> imagining the culture cool enough to invent something like
> teaching your students via telepathy while dancing for
> them. But to other people, it's just a faded brown robe
> embroidered with dragons. For them it would have no more 
> ability to uplift and inspire than a dishrag.
> For you the relic might be a book signed by one of your 
> spiritual teachers, or a photo taken of you standing with 
> them, or a statuette of Lakshmi you bought in India in a 
> place that really uplifted and inspired you. It could be
> a musical instrument played by someone cool, or by your-
> self in some way cool place. If you've hung onto the 
> object for years, and it still serves to uplift and 
> inspire you, that's the kind of thing I'm talking 
> about -- whatever it might be.
> So, does anyone have any cool old relics they'd love to
> rap about? Things that uplift and inspire you consistently,
> and are thus of value to you on your spiritual path?

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