On May 24, 2008, at 1:32 PM, feste37 wrote:

I think that's exactly what she was suggesting. Olbermann got it
right. She was saying that she was sticking around because Obama might
get shot, just like RFK was shot in 1968. Can't see any other reason
for this weird reference to RFK. The idea is, well, anything can
happen, including assassination, so that's why I'm slogging on,
waiting to take over if disaster should strike.

I think in her own really clumsy, Hillary-like way, what she
was suggesting more was that campaigns can drag on
forever, even until June, and that both Bill's and RFK's
did, even though RFK was the odds-on favorite.  She
could still have mentioned him without the reference to
his death and it would have seemed somewhat less

And as others point out, primaries were a whole lot different
back then.  In fact, I think I read that in 1968 there were only
13 Dem primaries, so any comparison is pretty ludicrous.


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