--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> Lawson wrote: 
> > Both are "stress" in TM terms: they are 
> > experiences that overwhelm Self. 
> >
> The term 'stress' was coined by Hans Selye 
> the 'father' of the stress hypothesis. He 
> called negative stress 'distress' and positive 
> stress 'eustress'. The latter being Marshy's 
> equivelent term 'unstress' which has the very 
> same meaning. Eustress is defined as 'stress 
> that is healthy or gives one a feeling of 
> fulfillment'.
> Read more:
> 'The Stress of Life'
> by Hans Selye
> McGraw-Hill, 1978

But Eustress is not the same as unstressing.  Unstressing involves
> TMO Checking Notes:
> 1. Physiological abnormality at the material 
> or structural level caused by undo pressure 
> of experience.
> 2. The natural and most effective way of 
> eliminating stress is through rest.

The natural and most effective way of eliminating stress depends on
the situation.  I think it is simplistic to say rest is the most
effective way.  It depends on the cause of the stress and how you
react to the cause.  Very situationally dependent.  

Say you have a heart attack.  Big big stress on your system.  It used
to be that patients would be told to rest for weeks.  Now we want them
to move around as soon as possible.  

Say you are slightly depressed or sad.  Rest can be the worst thing
possible.  Go get some exercise, you will feel better.  

Say you do your program per instructions, resting afterwards, but you
are irritable.  I say, go do something.  Be nice to someone.  Get some
exercise.  Clean your house.  Play with your kids.  

I think TM'ers sometimes spend too much time sitting on their ass and
not enough time sweating. 

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