--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
> Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2008 12:51 AM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Peckman on Larry King: some observations
> Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> "mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com"FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> [mailto:HYPERLINK
> "mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com"[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
> > Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 11:16 PM
> "mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com"FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Peckman on Larry King: some observations
> > 
> > Shemp, I don't think you answered my question earlier. If you don't 
> mind,
> > rather than taking pot shots at UFO believers here, please clarify 
> your own
> > position. Do you believe there is any intelligent extraterrestrial 
> life in
> > the universe?
> Yes.
> > Do you believe such beings have ever visited earth? 
> I have no idea. Belief has nothing to do with it.
> Good point. Either they have or they haven�t. Many people have had
> experiences that convince them they have. Many haven�t had
experiences but
> would like to believe they have.
> >Do you
> > believe they are visiting now? 
> I have no idea.
> Also a honest answer. Thanks.
> >Just give us a few sentences summarizing your
> > take on the whole issue, as you have with global warming and other 
> issues.
> I put about as much importance on it as I do on whether Maharishi 
> screwed around with the girls: at the end of the day, it doesn't 
> affect my meditation one way or the other.
> So do you measure the significance of everything in this world by how it
> effects your meditation? Wouldn�t you acknowledge that there are many
> important matters that are totally unrelated to meditation?
> If aliens are here, have been here, or whatever...who cares? What is 
> going to change as a result?
> If they are here, or are coming soon, it could be the most
significant event
> in humanity�s recorded history. If they possess advanced
technologies, which
> they would have to to visit Earth, and shared them, it would have a huge
> impact on every aspect of our culture � energy, environment, food
> production, transportation, etc.
> Do you think they are going to give us some special knowledge or way 
> out of our problems? I think not...we have to work them out 
> ourselves.
> You may be right. Which may be why, if they are watching, they haven�t
> intervened.
> People who are attracted to conspiracy theories are, I believe, also 
> attracted to UFO things. Why? Because they want a logical 
> explanation for why terrible things happen. It just can't be that 
> one lone nutcase gunman killed off Kennedy...so they concoct all 
> sorts of weird and crazy explanations to give some meaning to the 
> whole thing when all it was was one nut who wanted attention for 
> himself.
> As with the Kennedy assassination, and more so, there is compelling,
> hard-to-dismiss evidence that UFOs are real and are visiting. I
agree that
> conspiracy nuts are drawn to the topic, and often tend to discredit
it with
> their wild conjectures and behavior, but there are many serious people
> involved also. Watch the HYPERLINK
> "http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1166743665260900218"Disclosure
> Project presentation at the National Press Club. These people are
> high-ranking military officers, etc. Not kooks.
> People that believe in UFOs want a rational explanation to things 
> that occur in life that don't seem to make sense. Aliens give a 
> rhyme and reason to things.
> True, for many people. They find comfort or inspiration in the
thought that
> we are not alone, someone is watching over us, etc.
> Also: when you're psychotic, you can be delusional. These aliens 
> with the big eyes are archetypes of our subconscious which 
> marginallly mentally ill people project on to their immediate 
> environment and they believe their delusions. To them they are real. 
> But they are figments of their imagination.
> Maybe for some people they are, but that doesn�t mean that everyone
who has
> had such experiences is delusional.
> Look, I've seen the Phoenix Lights myself. Saw stuff when I was 
> walking down the street from where I live that the laws of physics 
> simple can't explain.
> But what I saw in the sky -- which was incredible and amazing -- 
> doesn't compare to those incredible experiences we all have from time 
> to time in meditation. The inner experiences are far more incredible 
> than UFO-like sightings.
> Agreed, but the former don�t negate or discredit the latter. Each
has its
> own significance.
> How can UFOs and all that be anything to get excited about after our 
> TM experiences? Haven't you guys had those amazing experiences? 
> They are too few for me but I gotta tell ya, it's one of the things 
> that keep ME going...
> Again, I think that spiritual experiences and UFOs, while they may be
> somewhat related (if you believe that alien visitation depends on the
> spiritual maturity of the planet) each have their own significance.
It�s not
> an either/or consideration. And speaking of the spiritual, think of the
> effect public alien visitation would have on the world�s religions.
It would
> be even more humbling than the Copernican Revolution and more
unifying for
> humanity than the first photos of the earth shot from outer space.
We would
> realize that we are part of a much larger family and claims to
> or superiority by various religions would be much harder to defend.
Really interesting paragraph to think about.  Though I think it might
be more likely that neither the alien visitors nor humans would view
each other as part of a nice family upon meeting.  The history of
human exploration into new worlds here on earth has been one of
violence and genocide, so imagine what would happen when similar
exploration among worlds with alien species takes place.  One can
imagine that the technological sophisticated that enabled an alien
race to get here would be accompanied by some sort of higher
consciousness as well, but again here on earth the development of
technology has not produced a higher consciousness, in fact the most
advanced technologies we have are those used for warfare.

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