On Jun 3, 2008, at 5:05 PM, bob_brigante wrote:

I reviewed the message, not the movie, which I told you in my last
post I would never waste an hour and a half of my life on viewing.
And the message, mnade plain on the web site without the necessity of
eyeballing 90 mins of dreary nonsense, is the same old bogus crap
that understands nothing, being just a feeble-minded and paranoid
response to a world in turmoil.

You sound like people I know who "hated" Al Gore's movie An Inconvenient Truth--but refused to ever watch it. Or the people who told me "I can't stand Michael Moore". "Oh what movies didn't you like?" "You never even saw one?" I have a real distaste for the disease of political correctness Bob and it's sister, the liberal knee- jerk.

It's actually a great movie as the real solution isn't war but instead understanding the root problems and then taking action to change medieval mindsets. That probably means diplomacy and trade. They need the iPod and the iPhone and MTV and burka-less girls singing rap. War just further radicalizes the countries we invade, when instead they need to be brought into a more modern age. This will never happen with politically correct blindsidedness and hiding from history.

Politically correct types will want to avoid this movie so it's probably best if you do make a wide swath around it mixed with some occasional lashing out.

I might also point out you've just unknowingly joined the "Judy Stein movie review club". I'm sure she's glad to have you . :-)

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