--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jun 3, 2008, at 5:05 PM, bob_brigante wrote:
> > I reviewed the message, not the movie, which I told you in my last
> > post I would never waste an hour and a half of my life on viewing.
> > And the message, mnade plain on the web site without the 
necessity of
> > eyeballing 90 mins of dreary nonsense, is the same old bogus crap
> > that understands nothing, being just a feeble-minded and paranoid
> > response to a world in turmoil.
> You sound like people I know who "hated" Al Gore's movie An  
> Inconvenient Truth--but refused to ever watch it. Or the people 
> told me "I can't stand Michael Moore". "Oh what movies didn't you  
> like?" "You never even saw one?" I have a real distaste for the  
> disease of political correctness Bob and it's sister, the liberal 
> jerk.
> It's actually a great movie as the real solution isn't war but 
> understanding the root problems and then taking action to change  
> medieval mindsets. That probably means diplomacy and trade. They 
> the iPod and the iPhone and MTV and burka-less girls singing rap. 
> just further radicalizes the countries we invade, when instead 
> need to be brought into a more modern age. This will never happen 
> politically correct blindsidedness and hiding from history.
> Politically correct types will want to avoid this movie so it's  
> probably best if you do make a wide swath around it mixed with 
> occasional lashing out.
> I might also point out you've just unknowingly joined the "Judy 
> movie review club". I'm sure she's glad to have you . :-)


With a national consciousness so abysmal that Dumbya is in the White 
House (to be followed by the even more ogrish McCain), it is the U.S. 
and its allies that qualify for the term "medieval mindsets," so it's 
the rankest horseshit for the U.S. to be telling anybody how to live.

You know, I liked Oliver Stone's JFK -- as entertainment -- it was, 
of course, a complete fantasy other than the fact that JFK was shot, 
but as entertainment it worked for me. I do not require a movie to 
have even a scrap of reality, even when it is posturing as being 
historically accurate to one degree or another. But there was no need 
to watch this anti-Islam screed because there was no intent to amuse, 
which means that it had to stand on its merits as being accurate and 
reasonable. And it was clear from the promo material for the movie 
that this was not what its creators intended or were capable of. The 
movie was intended to blast Islamic scripture and history without 
projecting even a shadow of criticism towards the many awful passages 
of Christian scripture (I cited the Bible's Numbers 31, with its 
genocidal baby-killer Moses) and two centuries of brutality and 
nearly non-stop warfare by so-called Christian countries.

I didn't review this as I would "JFK," which would certainly require 
seeing the movie. I reviewed the ideas of this movie, which could be 
obtained from the promo materials. The notion that I could not 
criticize the thinking shown by the filmmakers without wasting 90 
minutes watching this dreary crap is just nonsense, but if that's the 
spin you're happy with, knock yourself out. 

If you want to get along with the Islamic world, start by not giving 
$3 billion worth of the most advanced weapons every year to Israel so 
they can kill their neighbors. A good first step like that would do 
wonders to end the crusaders and the response to the crusaders.

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