On Jun 7, 2008, at 11:52 AM, authfriend wrote:

Did Clinton lose because of sexism? No more than Obama won
because of race. Did the ugly sexism on display in the
mainstream and "progressive" media, tolerated and even
sometimes indulged in by the male candidates (not simply
Obama) and their campaign supporters and surrogates reveal
the ugly depths of misogyny in the political as well as
broader culture? Including in the "progressive" movement.

You mean like the "Iron my shirt!" episode that Hillary's campaign
apparently helped organize?

If anything, she started out with many huge advantages, one
of which was that the media were willing to cut her a break time
and again, which they almost certainly would not have done for
anyone else. Does "tears in NH" mean anything to you, Judy?  How
long do you think Obama would have lasted had he pulled something
like that?  If anyone played the gender card, it  was Hillary, again
and again.


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