--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"
> > <feste37@> wrote:
> > > If the ME was exhaustively tested and failed to
> > produce any 
> > > results, then it could be dismissed, but I don't
> > think it's 
> > > yet been tested fully. 
> > 
> > I agree. What has me asking all these questions is
> > that there are folks on this forum who clearly 
> > believe that it has. Or who believe so strongly in
> > its results that they don't believe that it *needs*
> > to be tested. They believe it's real, so it's real.
> The ME has been tested and it has been shown to be a
> very weak effect in certain situations. In short, from
> the perspective of traditional scientific research,
> the ME is barely there at all. Another rather profound
> problem with the ME is that there are so many
> exceptions (e.g., crime rates in Fairfield,the recent
> floods) to the effect that can not be explained by its
> "theory" that you have to put the word theory in
> quotes! If you tried writing a doctoral dissertation
> on the ME, no traditional graduate school would let
> you do it because they would view it as a waste of
> time because the existing literature is so scant and
> barely supportive of its stated hypothesis.
> People believe in the ME because its such a fun
> narrative (not theory) to talk about and the TMO keeps
> on repeating that it is true. And Maharishi believed
> it was true to, but he was wrong. And to contemplate
> that MMY was incorrect or wrong is just nearly
> incomprehensible to TBer's.

Pete you say the ME has been tested and has been shown to
have a weak effect, could you say what experiments these
were? I've got all the published research and I've not 
been impressed. I don't think the reason you wouldn't get
funds to do research on it is just because so little
has been done, but more likely that there is no known 
mechanism for it to work. Even a casual reading of John-
"I have finished Einsteins work"-Hagelins awful quantum
theory justification would put anyone off for life.

If they want people to take it seriously they've got to 
show *how* a group of people in a particular neuro-
physiological state can cause others to exhibit such 
selective behaviour. Until they've done that they haven't
a hope of getting independent research done, which is what it
needs. And I think it's a shame as it's about time the ME was
demonstrated one way or the other if for no other reason
than to stop the TM from embarassing itself any more.

You also say that MMY believed it, but he was wrong! I think 
he was too but I did always find it a fascinating idea and just
the sort of thing that would shake the world up if it turned
out to be true. I kept hoping it was a real effect because of
the "stronger" programmes I'd have when I was in a group, for
years I couldn't see how it *wasn't* having an effect on the
rest of the world. After a while I doubted it was doing me
any good at all, which is very common but most people are in 
denial because they think it must just be unstressing, I'm
not convinced about that either anymore.

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