On Jun 19, 2008, at 1:38 PM, authfriend wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
An interesting and poignant example of this was recently,
during the MMY funeral ceremonies IIRC, that Deepak Chopra
pulled aside King Tony and told him about M's illnesses,
diseases and treatment with allopathic medicine and Tony
just would not (or could not) believe it. It just wouldn't

Vaj once again misrepresents a past post, in several

In the first place, the post was reporting what Chopra
supposedly told the poster, so it's a third-hand
account (#166885). And we know that Chopra has often
had trouble getting his facts straight.

Allegedly. But we have no contrary evidence and we also (perhaps most tellingly) have no retraction from King Tony or any official statement from him as the new new head of "TM, Inc." that the founder of the movement did not in fact use western medicine during his lengthy illness.

In the second place, the Chopra-Tony conversation was
said to have taken place when MMY first came to Holland,
not during MMY's funeral.

Correct. Just to clarify, "IIRC" stands for "If I Recall Correctly". It's often used when a writer is speaking out of haste and is just going "on memory" or does not have the time (or the inclination) to look up details.

In the third place, according to the poster, "Deepak
said that upon hearing this, Tony was in shock and said
to him 'I don't believe a word of this'."

Actually Judy is deliberately misrepresenting the writer of post 166885 here. She is putting William108's quotes in single quotes as if to indicate it is not a direct quote. How more dishonest can you get? The original poster clearly placed the quotation in double quotes to indicate a direct quote, not something paraphrased.

Nice try Judy.

If you're going to alternate double quotes and single quotes it disgusts me that someone claiming to be an editor would deliberately attempt to misrepresent the quote in question by resorting to American/Canadian conventions in an attempt to deceive.

Posted below is how the original poster actually intended it to be, as a direct quote of what Deepak Chopra said directly to him:

He said that when Maharishi first came to Holland Deepak got Tony
Nadar's attention and said "Let's take a walk".
During that walk he told Tony about all the details of Maharishi's
near death illnesses and his time in England.
Deepak said that upon hearing this, Tony was in shock and said to him
"I don't believe a word of this".

We have no way of knowing if that's exactly what Chopra
told the poster, nor even whether it's exactly what Tony
told Chopra.

Then why did he use direct quotes rather than single quotes to indicate paraphrasing?

That's an awful dishonest thing for an editor to say!

There are many ways of expressing shock in terms of
"disbelief." They don't necessarily mean the shocking
news is "not registering" on the person, or that they
*literally* do not or cannot believe it, especially
given a little time for it to sink in.

Well that's why we use context to invoke what we feel would be the appropriate meaning for a given situation, esp. a situation we are familiar with. For example, in this case, we have the TB par excellent, Tony Nader, King of the Vedic Planet Earth. Fortunately for myself and many here on FFL, we have a good idea how to take radical TB's in their responses from experience-based observation. If I had to rate the "TB-ness" of King Tony on a scale of 10, 10 being "totally TB", King Tony would get a 10. Therefore any observations I make on the World King would bear this in mind contextually.

It's hardly surprising that Tony's first reaction was
one of disbelief. But even if he said the exact words
reported in the post and meant them literally at the
time, it's a big stretch to assume that he continued
to hold that perspective, i.e., that Chopra was lying
to him.

Given the high level of TB-ness, I'd say King Tony is like one of the aforementioned cats raised in a world of horizontal stripes and asked to respond to the idea of vertical lines. He just can't imagine it.


Because the "ideal" of a high level TB is to totally surrender to the Maharishi, just as the Maharishi did to Swami Brahmananda Saraswati.

Bottom line, to conclude that it "just wouldn't
register" on Tony, as if it were established fact, on
the basis of this post is foolish in the extreme, and
disingenuous in Vaj's fourth-hand account, as if there
was no question that the conversation took place
precisely as reported and means what he claims.

Please see the above my dear.

Incidentally, at the time, Barry declared he was sure
the account was accurate because it "rang true" on
the basis of everything Barry knew first-hand about
MMY and the TMO.

Wait a second! What on earth did my post have to with Barry? Was that a non sequitur?

Yes, of course it was. Apparently your obsessed with Barry.

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