To All:

It appears that the race to go "ballistic" is popular among ambitious 
nations nowadays.  Please, see article below.  However, in Shrimad 
Bhagavatam, there's a sloka that gives us pause and make us question 
the practicality of these space endeavors.  The sloka essentially 
states that it's futile to go to other planets or higher dimensions 
by technological means.



U.S. Finds It's Getting Crowded Out There
Dominance in Space Slips as Other Nations Step Up Efforts
One of the 14 Chinese astronauts, also known as taikonauts, who 
prepared for China's first manned space mission October, 2003. 
(CREDIT: Courtesy of 

By Marc Kaufman
Washington Post Staff Writer 
Wednesday, July 9, 2008; Page A01 

China plans to conduct its first spacewalk in October. The European 
Space Agency is building a roving robot to land on Mars. India 
recently launched a record 10 satellites into space on a single 

This Story
U.S. Finds It's Getting Crowded Out There
Globalizing Space
Space, like Earth below, is globalizing. And as it does, America's 
long-held superiority in exploring, exploiting and 
commercializing "the final frontier" is slipping away, many experts 

Although the United States remains dominant in most space-related 
fields -- and owns half the military satellites currently orbiting 
Earth -- experts say the nation's superiority is diminishing, and 
many other nations are expanding their civilian and commercial space 
capabilities at a far faster pace. 

"We spent many tens of billions of dollars during the Apollo era to 
purchase a commanding lead in space over all nations on Earth," said 
NASA Administrator Michael D. Griffin, who said his agency's budget 
is down by 20 percent in inflation-adjusted terms since 1992. 

"We've been living off the fruit of that purchase for 40 years and 
have not . . . chosen to invest at a level that would preserve that 
commanding lead." 

In a recent in-depth study of international space competitiveness, 
the technology consulting firm Futron of Bethesda found that the 
globalizing of space is unfolding more broadly and quickly than most 
Americans realize. "Systemic and competitive forces threaten U.S. 
space leadership," company president Joseph Fuller Jr. concluded. 

Six separate nations and the European Space Agency are now capable of 
sending sophisticated satellites and spacecraft into orbit -- and 
more are on the way. New rockets, satellites and spacecraft are being 
planned to carry Chinese, Russian, European and Indian astronauts to 
the moon, to turn Israel into a center for launching 
minuscule "nanosatellites," and to allow Japan and the Europeans to 
explore the solar system and beyond with unmanned probes as 
sophisticated as NASA's. 

While the United States has been making incremental progress in 
space, its global rivals have been taking the giant steps that once 
defined NASA: 

· Following China's lead, India has announced ambitious plans for a 
manned space program, and in November the European Union will 
probably approve a proposal to collaborate on a manned space effort 
with Russia. Russia will soon launch rockets from a base in South 
America under an agreement with the European company Arianespace, 
whose main launch facility is in Kourou, French Guiana. 

· Japan and China both have satellites circling the moon, and India 
and Russia are also working on lunar orbiters. NASA will launch a 
lunar reconnaissance mission this year, but many analysts believe the 
Chinese will be the first to return astronauts to the moon

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