--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > Barry, you've really outdone yourself with this
> > one. Anybody who's actually followed the traffic
> > here for any length of time will recognize that
> > your "OPINION" is not only wrong, it knowingly
> > misrepresents the *facts*.
> I suspect that more people on this forum agree 
> with my opinion of you, your actions, and your 
> motives than agree with your own opinion of 
> those things. I see no reason to argue any 
> of them with you.

You have no *basis* to argue any of them with 
me, especially the "opinions" that are based on
knowing misstatement of the facts, i.e., lies.

> You've stated your opinion, I've stated mine.

And you've told a whole bunch of lies, too.
> End of story.
> Need I point out that any attempt on your part
> to continue this and to try lure me into a head-
> to-head argument with you supports *my* previously-
> expressed opinion of you and your tactics, and 
> rebuts your own?

I take you at your word that your present post is
the "end of the story" on your part. I'm just
correcting the record.

> Then again, you just "rebutted" my opinion that
> you consistently tried to start arguments with 
> Ruth by throwing in a few zingers against Ruth,

Only one zinger, actually, that having to do with
her quitting FFL because she couldn't stand it that
I continued to comment on her posts.

And even if that were an attempt to start an
argument with her, which it's not, it would hardly
constitute my "consistently" trying to start
arguments with her.

> trying again to start *another* argument with her
> via email, so how sane can you be, eh?  :-)

Ruth's been explicit that she's not going to have
any more contact with me. I think she's telling
the truth; apparently you don't.

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