--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wayback71" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
<curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> >
> > > I also once got a private email from a lurker from Scandinavia 
> > > claimed that he knew Nabby and said that he had to leave the 
> > > because of mental problems and that he is well known in the 
> > > in his country as being unbalanced and everyone in the movement
> > there > stays away from him as a result.
> > 
> > I'd like to defend Nabby on this point.  Most everyone here would 
> > shunned by true believers in the movement for our beliefs.  Just
> > Nabby's beliefs about Benjamin Creme would be enough to make him 
> > outcast.  One thing I know for sure, if the movement shuns you, 
> > better chance I am going to have something in common with you.  I 
> > the taste of the movement as an inverse measure of how 
interesting a
> > person is likely to be.
> > 
> > Nabby is a valued part of the misfit bus here IMO.  He represents 
> > POV that no TB would dare to share with the likes of this pirate 
> I agree with you totally on this Curtis - he is valued.  And if he 
does actually believe what 
> he writes, and I can see that he might, then more power to him if 
it creates a meaningful, 
> coherent and spiritual world view for him.  We all do that, one way 
or the other.

Thank you both for posting this, much appreciated. Also to Judy; 
thank you for your balanced post. No-one likes to be lied/rumoured 
I certainly mean every word I write here. And sometimes, obviously, 
it's a treat to watch how all this dead wood on FFL get all excited 

I think I have a clue to who Maharishi is, having studied Him closely 
for many years. I've never said I fully understand Him, He certainly 
still is an enigma. But a clue, yes I think I understand a little 
something of what His Mission was about.

That He was the one to lay the ground for Maitrya's Emergence is, 
well, I certainly understand that is well above the top for most 
regular people. But similar things have happened before, as recently 
as roughly 2000 years ago.

If I told Benjamin Creme; hey listen, Maharishi did this 
groundbraking ceremony for Maitreya during the last 70 years, it's 
all because of Him all this is happening, Mr. Creme would not agree 
(I think). 
He would say that the Emergence of Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom 
coming into full view and seen by all, is the result of the growth of 
the collective consciousness during the last 100.000 years, in fact 
for the first time since Atlantis.
And ofcourse Mr. Creme is right. What is happening now is not the 
work of one single individual.

Many here on FFL, having wasted prescious time in guru-shopping will 
not like it, in fact they puke by the very thought.
But for me, the single one most important person to usher in the Age 
of Enlightement will forever be Maharishi.

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