I just LOVE this announcement. I think it should
be printed up on glossy gold paper with a photo
of Maharishi and all the Rajas (in costume, of
course) at the top and passed out at all TM intro-
ductory lectures wherever they are given around
the world, along with the "scientific" charts. 

For most people (that is, those who are seeking to
learn a simple technique of meditation and not to
join a cult), this would present the true picture
of what they are signing up for if they learn TM.
This is how the people who run the TMO *really*
think and act, what they *really* think of
not only women, but men, too, and what the organ-
ization is really like if they get any further
into it than learning to meditate. 

IMO there couldn't possibly BE a more cult-like
document. This is the face of the TM movement that
it tries to hide from the public. Celebrating Hindu
gods by making offerings to them (there is no pre-
tending that this is part of a ceremony that is
merely a traditional way that the TM technique is
taught here), needing "dome badges" to enter (a
form of elitism and paranoid security and obvious 
"some are better than others" hierarchy), misogyny 
out the yin-yang, rules of behavior and dress out 
the yin-yang, worship of the dead as if they aren't 
dead (the "presentation of achievements to Guru Dev"), 
and above all, *unquestioning* belief that anything
called "Vedic" is good.

This post should be archived and referred to any 
time in the future when some TM TB here claims that
the TMO is not a Hindu cult. This "celebration" is 
an *official* function of the *official* headquarters
of the TMO in America. If this announcement does not
reflect that organization's true thinking, then what
DOES it reflect?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Guru Purnima Celebrations
> It is a great joy to invite everyone to this year's Guru Purnima 
> celebrations on Friday, July 18th, in the Maharishi Patanjali 
> Golden Dome.
> The historic feature of the afternoon celebration will be the live 
> performance of 121 Maharishi Vedic Pandits performing Guru Puja and 
> Maha Rudra Abhishek (1:00-4:30 pm).
> The evening celebration (8:15-9:30 pm), led by Raja John Hagelin, 
> Raja of Invincible America, will include Maharishi's address at the 
> 2007 Guru Purnima, Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam's address at this 
> year's Guru Purnima, and the presentation of achievements to Guru 
> Dev.
> Due to the special nature of the afternoon celebration, there are 
> certain points that the Vedic Pandits have requested be made:
> Afternoon Celebration
> Program badges:
> A current program badge will be required for entrance to the Dome. 
> Young people without badges should enter with their parents.
> Arrival time:
> Everyone should be seated in the Dome by 12:45 pm. At this time the 
> Vedic Pandits will enter the Dome and take their places on stage. 
> Anyone who arrives after 12:45 pm will need to wait in the lobby 
> until the doors open again at approximately 1:45 pm (when there is 
> a brief break between portions of the performances).
> Before the performances begin, it is best to sit in silence or 
> meditate.
> Offerings:
> Everyone is invited to bring 2-3 whole washed organic fruits that 
> will be offered by the Vedic Pandits (and which they will enjoy 
> afterwards as gifts from our community).
> Everyone is also invited to bring flowers as is our tradition--but 
> this year only the blossoms should be brought, with the stems and 
> leaves removed ahead of time.
> The fruit and flowers will be collected upon entering the Dome to 
> be given to the Vedic Pandits for the offerings.
> Dress:
> In keeping with the special character of Guru Purnima in the Vedic 
> calendar, everyone should wear their most dignified dress.
> Ladies should wear saris or long dresses or long skirts (no pants 
> or punjabis) and completely cover their heads and shoulders with 
> the sari or shawls/scarves in the Dome--to be dressed properly for 
> a Vedic performance.
> Men should wear coat and tie or a dress kurta with nice pants.
> No one should wear anything made of leather into the Dome (after 
> removing shoes as usual in the shoe areas) such as belts, wallets, 
> watchbands, or purses.
> Length of celebration:
> The celebration will last approximately 3 hours. Once the 
> celebration has begun, we have been asked that people only enter 
> and leave the Dome during the break around 1:45 pm or at the end.
> Children:
> We have been asked that young children not attend. Youths and young 
> adults who can comfortably sit and enjoy this extended Yagya 
> performance are very welcome.
> Ladies' consideration:
> As is the Vedic tradition, ladies who are pregnant or having their 
> monthly cycle should not attend.
> We look forward to seeing you on Friday, and celebrating this very 
> special Guru Purnima together as one family.
> Jai Guru Dev

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