On Jul 18, 2008, at 12:41 PM, feste37 wrote:

Another reason I fear I may miss this great occasion is that I have a
leather watchband, which is not permitted. I am one of those people
who has to know what time it is. If I don't know the time, I go
semi-crazy. It's approaching 12:45 now, so I guess this is one Guru
Purnima that will have to go on without me. But I am pleased it is
happening and that others will be there. These rituals do have
effects. I remember about 20 years ago, when I was living in an
apartment no more than 1/2 a mile from the dome, I forgot that it was
Guru Purnima. Then at about 9 or so that evening, I started to feel
very good -- calm and centered, mind absolutely clear, content. I
didn't get tired at all that evening and didn't go to bed until very
late. I felt completely different from my normal agitated state. At
some point I remembered that it was Guru Purnima. Maybe the same will
happen today, although I'm a little farther away. I don't think it
will affect you though, Sal, since I think you are beyond redemption
of any kind and happy to be so. Good luck with that!

Correctamundo, feste!  JOOC, how far do the vibes
go, though, IYO?  I'm about a mile and a half from the dooms--
if I close my eyes, face east, try to think pure thoughts and
maybe throw some salt over my shoulder, will that make a


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