--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > I suppose we're supposed to take your word for
> > it, because as you say so often, you "never lie."
> Exactly.
> > Uh-huh. Aren't you the person who claimed that if Obama
> > secured the nomination that as a good Democrat you would 
> > support him fully? Given some of the things you've said
> > on this forum since and the negative nature of the articles
> > you repost, I cannot help but assume that either you have 
> > a different definition of what "support" means than I do, 
> > or you have a different definition of what "I never lie" 
> > means than I do.
> Well, one difference in our definition of "lie,"
> apparently, is that if one changes one's mind for
> some reason, that doesn't mean what one said to
> start with was a lie.

When I first encountered Judy Stein I thought,
and said, that I considered her a shrewish old
schoolmarm who argued incessantly about anything
she could sucker people into arguing about because
she was still trying to impress her dead Daddy with
how strong she is. And she was a TM True Believer.

In the years since, I have changed my mind. I now
believe that she argues incessantly about anything
she can lure people into arguing about because she
is insane. And a TM True Believer.

According to Judy, the fact that I have changed my 
mind does not make the first statement a lie.  :-)

And now, a fun comparison:

"I have in my hands a list of 205 [government
employees] that were made known to the Secretary
of State as being members of the Communist Party
and who nevertheless are still working and shaping
policy in the State Department." 
-- Senator Joseph McCarthy, 1950 

The list was never made available to the Secy of 
State, or to anyone else. McCarthy later claimed 
that he could not reveal it because he had to 
protect a communication from a private source, 
exactly the same argument used by Judy Stein when 
refusing to back up the following quote:

"We recently lost an extremely valuable long-time 
poster because of Barry's nastiness and dishonesty."
-- Judy Stein, 17 July 2008

Photo of Joe:

Photo of Judy:

Coincidence? Illicit affair? People coming to look
like their heroes? You decide.  :-)

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