Turq, you would have dug Seth. Big shlep of a dude completely natural and 
authentic. Big heart. Great sense of humor. Sharp mind. He will be missed very, 
very much.

--- On Sun, 7/20/08, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: News about Seth Cohen
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Sunday, July 20, 2008, 9:22 AM
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Seth is this really, really great longtime TM guy. I
> met 
> > Seth at MIU in Santa Barbara during the summer of
> 1974. 
> > We were both in the philosophy major together. Seth
> just 
> > this great, natural "dude". This comes as a
> shock to me. 
> > The last time we talked was right after Bob Dee's
> death. 
> > I still have Seth's message on my answering
> machine because 
> > its so funny. Seth's a big, teddy bear lovable
> guy. You 
> > know how in the TMO you have some really amazing
> assholes? 
> > Well Seth is the anti-asshole. Everybody loves Seth.
> I don't know Seth, but I wish him well, and
> those who love him well, too. It's tough when
> something bad happens to one of these people.
> When I was living in Sauve (a tiny village of
> maybe 1200), there was a guy like this who ran
> a little store that never seemed to sell any-
> thing, but provided a hangout for many of the
> local teenagers. I talked with the guy often,
> and he allowed and encouraged them to hang out
> there because the alternative in that area of
> rural France was to go off and become juvenile
> delinquents. Several times a year, since his
> store was on one of the most spacious squares
> in Sauve, he'd throw a big barbeque and party
> for everyone in town. Musicians would come and
> play, there would be free food and wine for all,
> and pretty much the whole town came out and 
> partied until the wee hours of the morning.
> He went off to India on a combination pilgrimage
> and buying trip, and on some slippery street in
> some town, slipped and banged his head on the
> pavement and died. 
> The shock was *palpable* in Sauve. The village
> really was in mourning, and felt his loss very
> deeply. So what did they do in memorium? They
> threw a big barbeque and party for everyone in 
> town. Musicians came and played the fellow's
> favorite songs. There was free food and wine 
> for all, and pretty much the whole town came 
> out and partied until the wee hours of the 
> morning. 
> I think he would have liked his going away party.
> He exited as he lived, loved by many who were
> partying down outside his store.
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