Apropos of mainstream's comments below, if I were advising the TMO's 
grand poobah's on this matter I would recommend the following: now is 
the time to test the waters of their relationship with Girish.  Since 
King Nader Raam is, well, the King, let Nader Raam command Girish to 
give up complete control of the Indian Movement to Rajah Harris and 
let's see his reaction.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mainstream20016" 
> Re:the move by Girish and the Indian TMO that surprised Bevan (I'd 
really like to see that 
> 7/20/08 statement by Bevan, BTW- might it show up on You Tube ? ). 
Bevan was probably 
> surprised by Girish's move because Bevan publically promotes the 
continued flow of 
> Western resources to the Indian TMO. The day before the most recent 
MUM graduation a 
> few weeks ago, Bevan informed a meeting of MUM supporters that Dr. 
Howard Settle had 
> committed to working to create a $1Billion endowment for the 
Bramananda Saraswati 
> Trust, which supposedly will fund in `perpetuity' a means to 
preserve and promote 
> traditional pandits in India. 
> Despite the goals of the BST, the likely malfeasance of such a sum 
in the hands of the 
> Indian TMO will make it very difficult to create the BST 
endowment.  Along those lines, I 
> have sense that the default mechanism that skimmed 40% of  revenues 
for `International ' 
> is broken, or soon will be.  Not a moment too soon.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "boo_lives" <boo_lives@> 
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@> 
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "claudiouk" <claudiouk@> 
> > > >
> > > > Just watching Bevan say leadership taken by surprise by 
> > > > announcement of new organization for India and attempts to 
clarify it
> > > > all plus lots of statements underlining MMY's annointment of 
> > > > Nader Ram as the LEADER of his Movement as if to make a 
> > > > point. A Brutus scenario unfolding?
> > > 
> > > Note that he identifies himself with an organization that isnt
> > affiliated
> > > in any way with the TMO, as far as I can tell. This implies 
that he was
> > > removed from his position as head of the pundits at the 
> > > so this is his retaliation: setting up an independent movement 
to cash
> > > in on his uncle's name.
> > > 
> > > That's my take on it. Note he hasn't gotten the endorsement of 
any other
> > > organization or person, at least the press release didnt' 
metnion it,
> > > including MMY's preferred Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math. 
> > > 
> > > Also, only a tiny handful of websites have mentioned it, 
according to
> > > google.
> > > 
> > > He's lost control of  the purse strings in India, and doesn't 
like it.
> > > 
> > My view is that most of the tmo funds has already been 
transferred to
> > indian accounts of which girish was in charge and probably still 
> > He already has the money.  Girish used to be on the board of most 
> > tmo affiliates so he certainly controlled the indian ones I would
> > think. Who cares about ties with king tony?  The money flow from 
> > west is pretty much over now that mmy is dead.  The money was 
> > from millionaire courses and big donations inspired by MMY 
> >  what money does come in will follow the Settle format - 
> > it to specific projects that can be overseen by the donor.  even 
> > donors have wised up some and don't want their donations 
> > anymore into the big black indian hole.  king tony is not going to
> > inspire big donations.  more millionaires are going to be created 
> > india over the next decade than in the US - look at the success of
> > ravi shankar in marketing to this sophisticated niche.  girish
> > probably thinks he might as well cut ties with the crazy 
westerners in
> > crowns and start his own org. focused on teaching tm and recreate
> > mmy's early success in the west now in india.  the fact that bevan
> > would say he was surprised by girish's announcement is extremely
> > revealing - definitely an internal struggle going on there.  it's 
> > totally meaningless struggle but still will be fun to watch that
> > motley assortment of righteous spiritual blowhards fight over 
> > and power for the next few years.
> > 
> > (I've heard very reliable stories of tmo bigwigs in holland 
calling up
> > wealthy sidhas and requesting donations of personal real estate 
> > saying that before he died MMY mentioned how he wanted the mov't 
> > have that particular piece of land or building.  This is what they
> > have to do now to raise money - say it was a dying wish of mmy's. 
> > that trick won't last too long)
> >

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