Could you please give specific answers, claudiouk, to the following 

You said: "Just watching Bevan say leadership taken by surprise..."

Where did you see this, please?

Do you have a link?

How do you know Girish didn't consult Holland...citation, please.

Which recent broadcasts did the TMO emphasize that Nader Raam is the 
chosen successor?

--- In, "claudiouk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Clarification - as I understand it Verma, who basically dealt with 
> the Indian side of the Movement, seems to have launched a new 
> initiative (to teach 1% of Indians and introduce other MMY 
> without consulting the Global Country of World Peace leaders 
> (including the Indian Raja). They, in their turn, spent some time 
> recent webcasts highlighting the fact that MMY had made Maharaja 
> Rader Ram the absolute leader of his Movement plus suggested 
> was made to clarify this new Verma initiative and announced they 
> giving it their blessing after all. However there is a suggestion 
> here that Verma sees himself as the main player in India - he is 
> one after all responsible for all the Indinan Maharishi schools and 
> the Pandits programmes and the large groups in India in the 
> Brahmanastan centre being constructed. So he has a lot of power 
> locally and is Indian and I think is in fact a member of MMY's 
> as well. The fact that he launched what amounts to a separate 
> organization without any consultation  with the TMO leadership 
> suggests he doesn't see himself as having to defer to them. They in 
> turn seem to have given their "blessing" to his efforts officially, 
> but privately must have experienced this development as a 
> challenge. At least that's how I interpret these developments.
> --- In, "shempmcgurk" <shempmcgurk@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "claudiouk" <claudiouk@> 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Just watching Bevan say leadership taken by surprise by Verma's
> > > announcement of new organization for India and attempts to 
> clarify 
> > it
> > > all plus lots of statements underlining MMY's annointment of 
> > Maharaja
> > > Nader Ram as the LEADER of his Movement as if to make a special
> > > point. A Brutus scenario unfolding?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Could someone please clarify for me?
> > 
> > claudiouk makes reference to Bevan say leadership taken by 
> > surprise...when and where did this happen...was it a press 
> > there a video of Bevan saying this?
> > 
> > Please let me know...
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > > 
> > > India
> > > Maharishi World Peace Movement aims to establish world peace
> > > Jabalpur | Thursday, Jul 17 2008 IST
> > > 
> > > Maharishi World Peace Movement Chairman Brahmachari Girish Verma
> > > today said his objective was to establish world peace and make 
> every
> > > citizen invincible through Vedic principles and experiments.
> > > 
> > > ''The need of the hour is to take the place Movement to every 
> human
> > > being and establish world peace for all time to come,'' he told
> > > reporters on the eve of Guru Purnima, when the Movement would be
> > > launched here.
> > > 
> > > Pointing out that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi launched the World Peace
> > > Spiritual Re-awakening Movement five decades back and undertook
> > > constant tours to the nooks and crannies of the globe for 
> > the
> > > bugle of a spiritual revolution, Dr Verma added 'that' was the
> > > inspiration for a resolve to launch the Peace Movement
> > > internationally.
> > > 
> > > The Peace Movement would be launched here as this was Mahesh
> > > Yogi's 'karmabhoomi' in the initial part of his life.
> > > 
> > > ''Guarding one's health as per the Maharishi Vedic Health 
> > > construction and use of homes, schools, offices, villages and 
> cities
> > > as per Vaastu principles, Yoga every morning and evening, 
> meditation
> > > and consumption of only bio-food products are among ten 
> > > schemes of the Peace Movement,'' explained Dr Verma. The 
> > > Maha Media News Service and Maharishi Maha Media Portal would 
> > also
> > > inaugurated tomorrow.
> > > 
> > > ''Maharishi World Peace Movement committees will be formed at
> > > different levels with the target of linking at least one per 
> of
> > > India's population with meditation besides imparting Yoga 
> training 
> > to
> > > the maximum number of people,'' Dr Verma added
> > >
> >

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