Clarification - as I understand it Verma, who basically dealt with 
the Indian side of the Movement, seems to have launched a new Indian 
initiative (to teach 1% of Indians and introduce other MMY projects, 
without consulting the Global Country of World Peace leaders 
(including the Indian Raja). They, in their turn, spent some time on 
recent webcasts highlighting the fact that MMY had made Maharaja 
Rader Ram the absolute leader of his Movement plus suggested contact 
was made to clarify this new Verma initiative and announced they were 
giving it their blessing after all. However there is a suggestion 
here that Verma sees himself as the main player in India - he is the 
one after all responsible for all the Indinan Maharishi schools and 
the Pandits programmes and the large groups in India in the 
Brahmanastan centre being constructed. So he has a lot of power 
locally and is Indian and I think is in fact a member of MMY's family 
as well. The fact that he launched what amounts to a separate 
organization without any consultation  with the TMO leadership 
suggests he doesn't see himself as having to defer to them. They in 
turn seem to have given their "blessing" to his efforts officially, 
but privately must have experienced this development as a leadership 
challenge. At least that's how I interpret these developments.

--- In, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In, "claudiouk" <claudiouk@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Just watching Bevan say leadership taken by surprise by Verma's
> > announcement of new organization for India and attempts to 
> it
> > all plus lots of statements underlining MMY's annointment of 
> Maharaja
> > Nader Ram as the LEADER of his Movement as if to make a special
> > point. A Brutus scenario unfolding?
> Could someone please clarify for me?
> claudiouk makes reference to Bevan say leadership taken by 
> surprise...when and where did this happen...was it a press 
> there a video of Bevan saying this?
> Please let me know...
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > India
> > Maharishi World Peace Movement aims to establish world peace
> > Jabalpur | Thursday, Jul 17 2008 IST
> > 
> > Maharishi World Peace Movement Chairman Brahmachari Girish Verma
> > today said his objective was to establish world peace and make 
> > citizen invincible through Vedic principles and experiments.
> > 
> > ''The need of the hour is to take the place Movement to every 
> > being and establish world peace for all time to come,'' he told
> > reporters on the eve of Guru Purnima, when the Movement would be
> > launched here.
> > 
> > Pointing out that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi launched the World Peace
> > Spiritual Re-awakening Movement five decades back and undertook
> > constant tours to the nooks and crannies of the globe for blowing 
> the
> > bugle of a spiritual revolution, Dr Verma added 'that' was the
> > inspiration for a resolve to launch the Peace Movement
> > internationally.
> > 
> > The Peace Movement would be launched here as this was Mahesh
> > Yogi's 'karmabhoomi' in the initial part of his life.
> > 
> > ''Guarding one's health as per the Maharishi Vedic Health Rituals,
> > construction and use of homes, schools, offices, villages and 
> > as per Vaastu principles, Yoga every morning and evening, 
> > and consumption of only bio-food products are among ten principal
> > schemes of the Peace Movement,'' explained Dr Verma. The Maharishi
> > Maha Media News Service and Maharishi Maha Media Portal would be 
> also
> > inaugurated tomorrow.
> > 
> > ''Maharishi World Peace Movement committees will be formed at
> > different levels with the target of linking at least one per cent 
> > India's population with meditation besides imparting Yoga 
> to
> > the maximum number of people,'' Dr Verma added
> >

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