I'm gunna give you credit for cracking a history book or two (after
MIU because Maharishi had contempt for history studies) Shemp.

Did the Brits keep Indian values as they sucked their colony dry?  It
doesn't work that way.  The West got a little payback and now with
outsourcing we are getting a LOT of payback from India.  

I think this is the problem:

<Because nothing to me is more distasteful than to claim to have 
> THE program to solve mankind's problems (which I truly believe the
TM > program can do) and then jeopardize the whole thing by appointing
your > blood relatives to handle the money>

You are one of the main proponents of not Guru-fying Maharishi and
here you load him up as the dude who has the key to "solve mankind's
problems?"  You are loading the camel too high man.  I know he pitched
himself as all that, but we've been around the block a bit since he
lured us in as kids with promises of lollipop trees and rivers running
with milk chocolate, right?

Ratchet back the expectations to a human level and you get:

Maharishis was an ambitious aggressive guy, he was Guru Dev's James
Carvel.  When Guru Dev died he went into a funk for two years and then
shook it off and hit the road.  He found out that he could make a
living peddling meditation and being a fearless kind of guy took his
roadshow to the West.  Once there like every family who lives in my
apartment building, he caught on to how to shake the Western money
tree.  He was offering a good meditation, people liked it, so he
started getting a bit carried away with himself (think the
announcement of the World Government in the Fieldhouse at MIU).

But of course he took care of his own back home, his family.  You
gunna blame him for that?  I don't even blame him for that.  That was
one of the things he did that makes him seem more like a decent human
to me.  

So it is a tougher market in the spiritual practice buz these days. 
He had a lot less competition and his exoticness went a lot further
back in the days before we had neighbors who wear Asian threads of all
varieties.  We were more naive about the Indian POV and it sounded so
hippie back in the days before we understood that Sanatana Dharma
means supporting a system of caste oppression.  Before Paul Mason
revealed that most of Guru Dev's rap was about not sinning before you
die, just like our own fundamentalist preachers.

I don't understand why you believe that TM solves the world's problems
Shemp.  It hasn't even solved the movement's problems. Has it solved
all of yours? Do you really think that as a group the TMers are more
or less of any quality, good or bad?  I get it that you dig your
meditation, I do too.  But let's not make it out to be more than it
really is.  And by now you and I know its limits don't we?  Don't you?
 Let's not let the "perfect" become the enemy of the "good."  TM ain't
"all that."  But you dig it, so enjoy your chill pill.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "claudiouk" <claudiouk@> wrote:
> >
> > Just watching Verma talking on Maharishi Channel, back in MERU I 
> > imagine, and seemingly all is back to normal again. Maybe was a false 
> > alarm... He is being very productive in India - good luck to him.
> >
> Girish does NOT pass the smell test.
> Either they've got photos of him diddling a little boy -- or -- he's 
> just biding his time when he will explode and take his little empire 
> solo.
> I'd like to say: "I hope you're right, claudiouk, and this is an 
> instance in which it will be good to be proven wrong" but I'd be 
> dishonest.
> Why?  Because nothing to me is more distasteful than to claim to have 
> THE program to solve mankind's problems (which I truly believe the TM 
> program can do) and then jeopardize the whole thing by appointing your 
> blood relatives to handle the money.
> Sorry, this simply isn't done...and I don't give a flying you-know-what 
> if the justification is "oh, but this sort of thing is the culture of 
> India and that's the way things are done there."  Well, if that's the 
> case, then IMHO India doesn't deserve to be spiritually regenerated.
> And the sooner this cultish/guru-ish things become a thing of the past, 
> the better.  And if that is accomplished by Fat Cheeks running off and 
> starting his own movement, then so be it.

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