Brilliant lyrics and commentary, thanks.

--- In, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "curtisdeltablues"
> <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> >
> > > Now, FF is an easy place to live, it has really good vibes 
> > > from all the meditation going on, there is a community feeling 
> > > and support network there like no place I have ever been.......
> > > I was happy in my life there and I am happy in my life not there!
> > 
> > Taking responsibility for your own happiness, what a concept! 
> > Excellent post. I think one of the problems with Maharishi's 
> > POV was the perfectionist standard of life without problems as 
> > a goal state. I saw a life changing poster hanging in an office 
> > once:
> > 
> > Life is 10% what happens to you, 
> > and 90% how you react to it.
> Hear, hear. And the thing that people react to
> themselves and are intuitively either drawn to
> or run away from is how you react to the 10% 
> of life that fucks with you. 
> Interestingly, this notion of "how you react"
> being FAR more important than "what happens to
> you" goes hand in hand with the Tibetan view 
> of karma. Karma, like shit, just happens. But
> when it does, you DON'T have to let it get ya
> down. It can be a gift, if you react well.
> The Castanedan view would place more importance
> on what happens to you, but in a similar way. 
> The way of the warrior is all about seeking out
> and treasuring the "petty tyrants" and challeng-
> ing situations in life, because they give you
> more fun things to try to react to well.
> > Life is a series of overcoming problems and obstacles, it is not
> > supposed to be easy and effortless with all the support of nature
> > throwing pedals in our path because of our state of mind,whatever 
> > that is. Once you accept that about life it gets a lot more fun 
> > and you don't spend time trying to make the experience of life 
> > into an unrealistic "nature support" cushy ride.
> Definitely the times when I feel I've made the
> most progress -- spiritually, physically, and 
> intellectually -- were also the times when the
> shit was hitting the fan the most. 
> > I think Maharishi got this all wrong. Our state of mind is not the
> > most important thing, it is our POV that shapes our lives.  
> He might conflate the two, and *assume* that a
> "proper POV" goes hand in hand with a "proper
> state of mind." I don't buy it. I've seen people
> who claimed to be enlightened -- and might have
> been -- treat people like shit because they just
> had a fucked-up POV, one in which it was OK to
> treat people like shit. Give me a good POV over
> a good state of mind any day. 
> > Sometimes
> > the states of mind meditation cultivates can help, but it is not a
> > panacea. Many times it was suffering and pain that woke me the F up
> > and made me change my direction in life. Being in a blissful state
> > was the last thing I needed. That is how drug addicts live, 
> > oblivious to life's feedback.
> Life's feedback. Nice term. 
> If the shit is hitting the fan, is that any less
> *feedback* from life than it being easy and effort-
> less with all the support of nature throwing 
> petals in your path? 
> The only difference is that the latter is *easier
> to handle*. The "reaction" part to everything coming
> up daisies is a no-brainer. You can do it in your
> sleep. In my opinion, many who seek the easy path 
> in life do exactly that. 
> Whereas when life gets in your face, it's more of
> a challenge. More fun, if you're weird enough to
> think that challenges are fun.
> Or, as my man Mark Knopfler says:
> Well it's a strange old game - you learn it slow
> One step forward and it's back to Go
> You're standing on the throttle
> You're standing on the brakes
> In the groove 'til you make a mistake
> Sometimes you're the windshield
> Sometimes you're the bug
> Sometimes it all comes together baby
> Sometimes you're a fool in love
> Sometimes you're the Louisville Slugger
> Sometimes you're the ball
> Sometimes it all comes together baby
> Sometimes you're going lose it all
> You gotta know happy - you gotta know glad
> Because you're gonna know lonely
> And you're gonna know bad
> When you're rippin' and a ridin' and you're coming on strong
> You start slippin' and a slidin' and it all goes wrong, because
> Sometimes you're the windshield
> Sometimes you're the bug
> Sometimes it all comes together baby
> Sometimes you're a fool in love
> Sometimes you're the Louisville Slugger baby
> Sometimes you're the ball
> Sometimes it all comes together baby
> Sometimes you're going lose it all
> One day you got the glory
> One day you got none
> One day you're a diamond
> And then you're a stone
> Everything can change
> In the blink of an eye
> So let the good times roll
> Before we say goodbye, because
> Sometimes you're the windshield
> Sometimes you're the bug
> Sometimes it all comes together baby
> Sometimes you're a fool in love
> Sometimes you're the Louisville Slugger baby
> Sometimes you're the ball
> Sometimes it all comes together baby
> Sometimes you're going lose it all

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