--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > Again, it's not where he lived, it's the alleged 
> > dual citizenship that he supposedly never renounced.
> > To some, that suggests dual loyalties.
> >  
> Perhaps, but in fact, dual citizenship... is that an issue at all,
> constitutionally speaking?

Probably not (as I said earlier), but that isn't
the point.

> Also, the repbulicans would be very silly to make it a campaign
> issue given the issue with McCain's place of birth.

Different issue entirely, and McCain's
eligibility was confirmed by Congress in
any case.

> >  He'd have to be pretty dumb
> > > to try to stage a cover-up like this, and he ain't dumb.
> > > If there's any truth to this, it'll come out, as the
> > > Edwards thing did.
> > 
> > Edwards isn't dumb either, nor was Clinton, nor Gary
> > Hart. And Obama didn't think his membership in Trinity
> > Church and his association with Rev. Wright would cause
> > him any problems.
> > 
> > In the statement he released, Edwards says, "In the
> > course of several campaigns, I started to believe
> > that I was special and became increasingly egocentric
> > and narcissistic." That may be a more common
> > affliction among politicians than we realized, that
> > they begin to feel invulnerable and can just do
> > anything they feel like doing. It would certainly 
> > explain a whole raft of dumb behavior from otherwise
> > very smart people.
> I wouldn't say its something that I hadn't realized. As Jon
> Steward says, these guys are running for President of the
> United States, the most powerful position in the world. DO 
> you expect them to somehow NOT be elitist?

Did I say I expected them to somehow NOT be elitist?
Did I even use the word "elitist"?

What I said was...well, read what I wrote again,

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